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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Leland,
    We’d like to take this opportunity to clarify some of the things you stated in your last post. Some of the 18 symptoms you describe do not pertain to graves’ disease. The kidney failure, congestive heart failure, swelling of the large intestine, extreme testicular tenderness, chronic bronchitis, and fluid in the lungs, are not known to be graves’related symptoms. With graves’ disease there can be a much broader picture going on here and may we suggest you get your doctor(s) to check into this with you? Graves’ disease, being an autoimmune disease, can trigger other autoimmune diseases and makes you more suseptible to others, such as lupus, fibromyalsia, diabetes, Crohn’s,and cancer. We wonder if this is what is going on with you?
    Please keep us posted and we wish you wellness!

    Jake & Jan, National Graves’ Disease Foundation
    on-line facilitators

    Post count: 93172

    Jake and Jan,
    Perhaps I was’nt clear on the cause of the syptoms that you mentioned in your post. I was having
    a toxic state of whitch I proved to my endo.,was caused by too much T-4. My tsh @ the time was <.3 and my T-4 was 12, I was in a very bad state, and also suffered from hypo symptoms @ the same time. My endo simply refuesed @ first to beleive,that “Synthroid”,was the cause of this, but when I switched to “ARMOUR”, the total dissapearance of these pesky problems, astonished him!!!!! I know that the symptoms that you questioned as not being Grave’s is indeed true, but they are shared by many people that I’ve talked to. The problem, T-4 toxicity!,and that feels so dreadfull, that I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy!!!!!! I hope I cleared things up!!!!
    Regards, Leland

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