Well, I finally went in to see my new doc. I figured it might be a good idea to see him before he got my tests results (Nurse: here’s Ms Evans’ test results. Doc: Who’s Ms. Evans?). What a cutie. I think I’ll have to get used to a doc who is a few years younger than me (tho not by much). And no guy should have hair that long that looks that good, esp in a pony tail I think I may have spooked him a bit, I wasn’t acting much like a typical patient seeing a new doc. I basically ran the show, but he’s pretty cool. Only snag was, my previous doc has been wanting me to get a baseline mammogram before I turned 40 (possibly in part I’ve had 3 grandparents die of 3 different types of cancer). We’ve been discussing this for the last 2-3 years. The new doc really doesn’t want to have one done on patients under 40 (I’m 37). But I’ve been with the other doc for so long, I figure he’s got a good reason to do it sooner. ‘Sides, I might as well get it done now, before I start dealing with pregnancy hormones and such. So I just need to see if my insurance company will okay it, otherwise it is going to be out of pocket. So well see how it goes. In the meantime I’m waiting for the results of the thyroid level check.