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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    This has to be a tough one. However, I am a widow and dating can be difficult. If you thought your wife had gone mental, I wonder what a date will think? Is there any hope?

    Post count: 93172

    I guess I just want to give my side of how my wifes graves has affected me. We were married about 2 years when my wife was diag. with graves.
    At first I thought she had gone mental. She lost all value of things we considered to be important in our relationship. She became self-absorbed and I began feeling neglected. I now understand after almost leaving her 3 times that she needs me now more than ever. I would like to make a plea to the rest of the spouses out there to hang tough. I know it is hard to deal with and I am sure that I will also have problems in the future. The main issue is will your relationship survive graves? I hope so. I recommend a good marrige seminar to help you understand each others needs. Its called “His Needs Her Needs” by Willard F. Harley, Jr.

    Husband of Hoot

    Post count: 93172

    Hootus, thanks so much for adding your side of the story, since it is good for those of us with Graves’ to think occasionally about how we are affecting others. I think this disease does make us very self-absorbed at times. I know I’ve been guilty of that.

    Your experience with your wife sounds quite typical. Please know that as things improve, those spouses who stuck around through the hard times and gave their love and support are often very deeply cherished on that account. I wish you both the best.

    Dianne W

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