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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Your simple post really touched me. Not again, is very familiar. I’m sure more folks can relate than not.

    I have no statistical info to spew….just the remembrance of times past where I, too, put my head down for a rest.

    The important part of your post to me was “don’t mess with a good thing”. You know, that’s the crux of the biscuit. We are the good thing. The GD (not cussing!) thyroid just likes to make itself known. That’s how I’ve joked my way through life with Graves’. When I put it in its proper place, it’s not an alien inside of me. Those darn levels sometimes are just out of whack. They drive us nuts, sometimes. Sometimes, not so much.

    Frustration sometimes forces us to stop and smell the flowers. What else are you to do, anyway? Sleep is good and I understand your frustration, completely! Take care.

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