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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    You do what you think is best for you!! If ATD’s are the route you are most comfortable with then go for it!!

    (I chose ATD’s too)

    Post count: 93172

    I am trying ATDs. Only 6 weeks so far, I get my thyroid levels checked tomorrow. I’m thinking positively.

    Post count: 93172

    I wish you good luck on your test. Let me know how it turns out.

    Are you a new GD? I apologize for asking. I read so many of these postings and I haven’t been on long enough yet to really recognize very many people yet.


    Post count: 93172

    I was on ATD’s for 10 months…went very hypo (by the way I am changing Endo’s because of this) and he took me off all meds…cold turkey. In two weeks I had hyper symptoms again with a resting pulse of 108. Now I am waiting for appt with my new (hopefully improved) Endo on 5/17. I responded very well to the ATD and Atenolol. I have a mild case of TED with swelling mostly under my eyes and some occassional blurry vision as well as the Graves.

    Best of luck to you!

    Post count: 93172

    Yes, I am new to Graves. I got my six week blood test for the ATd and my TSH was still .01, but free T4 was normal. They didn’t have the free T3 yet. The nurse couldn’t interpret if the drug is working yet.
    Susan in Kentucky

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