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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    it does seem hard to beleive no one knows how you feel.i am only 30
    and im tired every day of my life i just keep getting up and going as long as i can.. good food and lots of rest and a smile sometimes can
    get me through.sometimes not…i know how you feel if it helps any..

    Post count: 93172

    I have never posted on here before, although I read the boards daily. It has been a great help and inspiration to me. I was diagnosed 4/97, had RAI and have been on a roller coaster since. I have never levelled out.

    After reading some of the recent posts (Mandy) I have the same type of question, and that is the misunderstanding that everyone has about this disease and how hard it is to get support from family, friends or co-workers. It is so hard to explain all that can happen and all the ups and downs you can have with this illness, that is most times easier to not say anything, or just pretend everything is okay and you feel okay. I feel like a whiner, and get no support from anyone. I feel the only support I have is on here and at Chat (when it’s working).

    Does anyone have this problem? How do you get support that I sometimes feel is so needed? Any replys on this subject would be appreciated.

    Keep up the battle Warriors, and thank you all for being here.

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