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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi all, finally went hypo Tuesday (confirmed by me and my symptoms first) and labs the next day. My endo called me Wed and put me on 100mcg of Synthroid which I started that night. Thursday felt horrible and slept pretty much all day. I started off Thurs with a bad headache which continued all day regardless of what I took. Friday woke up with headache again and from that point on kept the headache until today (I did not take my dose of Synthroid). Something else that has driven me bananas Friday and Saturday night I could not sleep. Even taking a sleeping pill prescribed by my doc would not allow me to sleep. I woke up every hour even tho I felt so sleepy. Yesterday and today I almost feel hyper again. What’s going on? Has anyone else experienced this taking the Synthroid? I know it was wrong not to take the Synthroid today but I couldn’t stand the thought of the headache all day what with church, family coming over,etc. I’m calling the endo tomorrow but just wondered if this is something common with the Synthroid and can I expect it to go away. Oh, one more thing, it seemed to upset my stomach quite a bit. I’ll be grateful for any thoughts on this.


    Post count: 93172

    One of the crazy things that Graves’ disease does is effects each of us very differently. Chances are it is not the synthroid that is causing your problems but fluctuating thyroid levels. The only way to know that is to get back to your doctor and have your labs done.

    But there is a slight problem there too. Synthroid takes 21 days to get to full strength in your system. So if you just started Synthroid it will not show up. That is why I said chances are it is not related to the hormone replacement but your Graves’ acting up.

    Some people have problems with the dyes and fillers in different thyroid replacement hormones like Synthroid, or others. That may be something to discuss with your doctor too.

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    On-line Facilitator
    Co-Author “Graves’ Disease In Our Own Words”

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