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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for your reply. Surgery or RAI is a tough choice to make. I went the RAI route 3 months ago which is exactly how long it took for me to become hypo and start on meds. It was a very, very long 3 months but was nothing compared to what some people have endured I’m sure. When it seemed like it was taking forever for my levels to change I thought many a day that “I should have just had the surgery”! Then I would have immediately been put on synthroid and would not have had to endure all the horrible days. My husband really didn’t want me to have the operation but then again the only agony he had to endure was putting up with me and my crazy, sick self for 3 long months! I guess each one of us has to weigh the pros/cons of the situation and make that decision. I hope you decide soon what is right for you. Best of luck!


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Betsy,
    I’m just curious, when you all talk about being sick after the RAI, just what are you going thru? I will probably be having the RAI

    Post count: 93172

    Sorry Betsy, posted before I was finished. Anyway, I’m just wondering what to expect after having the RAI treatment. I’m having all the expected symptoms of Graves now, but really thought that it was mostly a result of my job. My job is very stressful and physical at times and I’m just worried about how the treatment may effect everything. Can you please clue me in on what to expect?

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