Dear Jackie, Diane, Bobbie, and fellow patients,
Welcome Jackie to our bulletin board. I was diagnosed with Graves Disease the Fall of 2006 and have gone through many stressful tests, etc. I, too, have the eye involvement and had the orbital radiation this past summer. Initially, my eye specialist didnt seem to have much confidence that the radiation would be effective, but he now admits that he was wrong. I was very relieved that I could avoid the orbital decompression surgery. I, too, am scheduled to have a thyroidectomy in early 2008, so I will be most interested in how your surgery turns out and what your post-operative recovery was like. I have many fears re having the surgery, but feel that, in the long run, it would be best for me. I can’t tell you how much it has meant to me to read the posts on the bulletin board and to reply to those whom I feel I could share my experiences with. Good luck to you in your surgery. Let me know if I can answer any questions you might have re the orbital radiation. Happy Thanksgiving to all. NinaWhen shadows fall and the night covers all there are things
that my eyes cannot see, I’ll never fear for the Savior is
near, My Lord abides with me. How can I fear Jesus is near
He ever watches over me worries all cease He gives me peace
how can I fear with Jesus.When I am along and I face the unknown
and I fear what the future may be I can depend on the strenght
of friend, He walks along with me. Jesus is king He controls
everything and he is with me each night and each day, I trust
my soul to the Savior’s control He drives all fears away.I sing this whenever I feel fearful.
I had my thyroidectomy last Friday, Nov. 30. I was quite nervous about the surgery, but am very happy to report that all went quite well!! I reported to the hospital at 1:30pm. I met with my surgeon and anesthesiologsist-I was going to be given steroids intravenously during surgery as I have been on Prednisone since June. My surgery was at 3:00 pm and the surgery took just over 3 hours. I was in recovery for approx. 2 hours and I was not settled in my room until after 9:00 in the evening. What a long day for my family in the waiting area! There really isn’t any rest in the hospital as they check your vitals every hour and I had a roommate that had visitors until 12:15am!!
My doctor had advised me to ask for an icepack once in my room and to keep it on for 20 minutes and then off for 20 minutes- I did this faithfully all night long- I was also advised to move my neck so that it would not get stiff-I did this, too turning side to side and up and down.
The doctor was in to see me about 8:30 Sat. morning – he said that everything went well that he felt he had removed all the thyroid that it was quite vascular so that is why the surgery took 3 hours. He said the parathyroid was bruised during surgery causing my calcium to be low-I was given calcium intravenously along with TUMs w/orange juice to bring the levels up. If my calcium levels did not go up I would have had to spend another night in the hospital, but thankfully they rose enough and I was dismissed at 2:30pm on Saturday afternoon.
I was given 100mg of Synthroid at the hospital and a prescription to have filled-I forgot to say that I would not take a generic and when we had it filled it was generic so my husband had to make another trip to the pharmacy to get the Synthroid. I was also told to take 4 Extra Strength TUMS with orange juice 3 times a day for calcium. I did have tingling in my hands, nose, and lips Sunday morning, which is a sign of low calcium and I called the doctors and he upped the Tums to 5 tablets and that seem to correct the problem.
The only restrictions that I have is not to lift anything for a week and I am to be off work for 2 weeks. Of course, no driving if I’m taking pain medication but I have only had to take it a couple times and I’m really not in pain, just a little uncomfortable and I thought it would help me to sleep. I have no stiches or staples – It looks like my incision is super glued together in a neat crease on my neck.
I go to the doctor for a follow-up appointment on Wednesday. If I hear more I will share on the bulletin board. Nina I will be 62 on Saturday, so please don’t worry about your age, I don’t think it will be a problem. Good Luck to you. I hope this post will help those of you with upcoming thyroidectomies scheduled. I am so relieved that it is over and hope to have luck establishing the synthroid levels quickly!! I truly feel better already!!
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