Dear Jackie,
Thank you so very much for taking the time to tell me and others re your experience with a thyroidectomy. Your words were very reassuring and informative. I’m scheduled to have my surgical procedure on January 8, 2008, and will have preop studies done on December 10th. I have a great deal of confidence in the surgeon who was a resident at the old County Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the early 1960s when I was a student nurse. He apparently has done numerous thyroid surgical procedures and has an excellent reputation. He seemed very kind, etc. Would it be a reasonable request that, if fo some reason, he wasn’t able to perform the surgery on Jan. 8th, that I request that the procedure be rescheduled? I would feel very uncomfortable having a surgeon I never met, etc. perform the surgery. I plan to write a “just in case” list of my requests/wishes should something unforeseen occur. I feel certain that the surgery is necessary to prevent complications in the future, and, hopefully, to prevent my Graves Eye Disease from recurring ( although I know this could still happen). Thank you again, Jackie, for sharing your story with me. I will inquire re the ice packs, neck exercises, etc.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. Nina