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  • Ski
      Post count: 1569

      Hello everyone!

      First I want to wish everyone a happy everything that’s coming up!

      I am writing to remind everybody to take it easy, don’t overcommit, get your rest, be kind to yourself first. The holidays are a stressful time (even if you love them), and it’s easy to take on too much. You don’t have to say "no" to every invitation, but take a good, hard look at what it will mean to your day, and if you need to cut short some visits in order to keep yourself sane, please plan to do that, without apology. In addition to that, if you need to contribute something for each get together, consider bringing things that do NOT require a great deal of prep time (yes, you’ve earned the right!) or give in and have someone else do it ~ preorder from a store or restaurant, or even make it yourself ahead of time. There are things you can do to make it easier on yourself that will not mean your family has a "second rate" holiday, believe me. Let other people help you where they are willing and able.

      A toast to one and all, and wishes for a peaceful, sane, enjoyable set of holidays! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

        Post count: 484

        Thank you Ski!!!

        I would also like to comment about depression. If you feel you are in a bad place please speak with a friend/loved one or Dr about it. Don’t wait on it, don’t think your loved one or friend shouldn’t know just because it’s the holidays, if you need help ask for it. They will love you more for telling them you need help and not waiting on it.

          Post count: 284

          Ski and Mamabear – Great points! I was just thinking how I have a nurses pinning to plan/run right between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It really makes for full holidays each year – and while I am feeling so much better these days, I know I am still not at my best.

          I would also remind folks to savor the really important moments – really get into them. Like savoring fine wine (though it may be savoring opening gifts), a calgon bath (for those who are old enough to remember those "take me away" commercials) or finding small momentos of the little things. Savoring is an art that not only reduces stress – it creates a happy side. <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> Happy is healthier.

          Mamabear – I have enjoyed reading your posts – you seem knowledgable. Are you a nurse or health professional? Cathy

            Post count: 484

            Cathy, Thank you. I have always been interested in the medical field. I wanted to be a pediatric nurse out of high school. No money and no support at home so I didn’t. Out of high school I volunteered for a Veterinarians Office and then went full time there for two years. That sort of drilled the whole love of medicine into my brain for sure even though I am NOT at all great with math. lol I left there only never to return to any medical profession at all. I worked customer service for almost 5 years then temp’d for a while then became a stay at home mom. My thirst for medicine still rings true for me though and I am always researching things even if they have nothing to do with me. Maybe one day when my kids are older I will do something involving that but right now I can’t. I try to keep up on things that I do know and I also adore animals and of course try to keep up on that and not forget what I know. I am a nutritionist for animals and like to keep up with that as well as training them and learning their behavior. So I guess the answer is no I’m not but maybe one day would like to work with animals again. Not sure about humans lol.
            Thank you, great observation. I do try to learn as much as I can even if it is a little here and a little there.

              Post count: 284

              Mamabear – You have a nice way of communicating and I see your passion coming through. I teach nursing and there are virutally no traditional students in my program. Your type of story is the norm. We need nurses – I hope you will really consider this career where and when you can. Cathy

                Post count: 12

                Since we’re talking about the holidays – I have not read anything here or elsewhere about alcohol consumption and GD. Since I am recently diagnosed I am wondering if it is a no – no totally or can one enjoy the spirits (moderately of course)?

                  Post count: 1569

                  I don’t believe alcohol (in moderation, as you say) is "against the rules" for a Graves’ patient. Relax and have a nice glass of wine. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

                    Post count: 484

                    Cathy, I will consider that when the time is right. Thank you so much! <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> What did you mean by traditional (like an RN)?

                    Tammy, I would have to say that you should speak with your health care provider. He/she knows you best and will give you the most accurate information for you personally.

                    I know that I drank in moderation during holiday and not during holiday and my Endocrinologist said it was just fine. Of course no abusing but enjoying a spirit or two should not be a problem. He knew my history and of course knew the dose that I was on for my PTU.

                    Have a save and fun holiday and remember that the morning after a holiday is the worst time to be on the road. Drunks are out all the time especially the morning after so please have a care when driving home or to a loved ones home or work.

                      Post count: 284

                      Mamabear – My students are RN students. By non-traditional, I mean they are anything but the normal 18 year old just out of high school. Average age is in probably 30-40 something. I have had people well into their 50s in the class – lots of grannies. I do have some traditionals in the group but not a big percent. Cathy

                        Post count: 484

                        Wow Cathy!!! That is certainly nontraditional lol. Medicine is certainly something I would love to do either with animals or the elderly. I am not sure I would be able to be a ped nurse, my emotions would get the better of me and since my overbearing motherbear ways make me feel that one can take care of the babies better than I can that probably wont go well in that profession. But I certainly in time would love to take care of animals or the elderly while bouncing grandbabies on my knee and spoiling the heck of out them lol.

                          Post count: 284

                          Hi all – I have been thinking about Graves and the holidays a lot the last few weeks. I have a job that is busiest between Thanksgiving and Christmas – as our nursing students graduate on Monday. I am the only full time faculty here and so the whole big community celebration is largely my responsibility. My family live in another state – so trying to get Christmas boxes in the mail before I leave, too. And finishing up grades.

                          I honestly feel pretty human again these days – though still fighting the Thanksgiving cough/cold – which seems to tip off my eyes a bit the last few days. But energy is not too bad compared to the last year. However, I do notice a difference in my ability to have fun with the small things during the holidays. I think I have too much on my plate and I am still healing. What a lesson that is in holiday stress!!!

                          At any rate – I think I am over the hump with things – I am looking forward to a nice gradution on Monday – then a trip to my daughter/granddaughter’s for 2.5 weeks. I look forward to some hours of total "I am board, what now?" I haven’t been on much as signing in was just another chore. Hope to be around more now. Cathy <img decoding=” title=”Razz” />

                            Post count: 1324

                            Ski made some excellent comments in the original post, so I thought I would bring it back up to the top of the list now that the holidays are so close.

                            Take good care of yourselves. And happy holidays.

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