I pulled this down from the welcome board.
by lilsispatrick on Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:43 pm
Hi I’m new to the group and I’am glad I found you! I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in November 2007. Prior to this I had my first mamogram and found out I had a large mass that needed attention. I under went surgery for the mass which turned out to be benign…thank goodness and the following month I had surgery to remove the right side of the thyroid. It had been about a year since the surgeries and about two months ago I noticed a change in my eye sight (I do wear glasses) and thought maybe I needed to update my glasses. After about another week I noticed severe swelling under my eyes, almost like huge water blisters, so I made an appointment with my regular physician who told me it looked like the thyroid again. She referred me back to the endo who in turn sent me to an opthomologist. He said it looks like Grave’s Disease. I hadn’t been on any medication since the surgery in 2007 and now because of the racing heart symptoms again they started me on propranolol 3 x a day. I have an appointment on February 2 with the Opthomologist to do a full vision screening so until then I guess I just wait? My levels were checked and they were within normal range and I also had an MRI which was suppose to be an Orbital scan and the technician did a brain scan…oops It came back fine! I was put on steroids which didn’t help either. I asked my endo why he didn’t know about the Grave’s Disease prior to my thyroidectomy and he said had they had more time to do a little more testing they would have found out, but because the levels were so high they had to act fast. I don’t know where I go from here? Thank you for letting me share my story.
Just wanted to say been there done that. I was started on the slippery slop of steriods for my eyes as well, it helped but when I would start to come off of them, it would flare again. I was told that I could have orbital decompression or radiation to my eyes. I was told that I would have to wait until the eye disease was out of what the doctors called the hot phase before they would do anything unless there was optic nerve damage going on. So I opted for the radiation. It was easy, painless, but did take some time. I was given a 50% chance that it would help. So I went for it. The up side it stopped the progression, the down side it didn’t make it look better, and I still had to stay on steriods. I also got a small infection in my eye, that healed with antibiotic eye gel. So I would suggest this treatment if you can find a doc in your area willing to do it. I ended up having to go to a Cancer doc for my treatments but it was worth it. I was on steriod for over 2 years, and the doctor ended up having me on what was considered a toxic dose to help with the TED. I had this so bad that the vessels in my eyes would burst. I also would recommed eye drops, cold or hot compresses, for your eyes. They helped alot too. I tried the cold first, which is what my doc recommened but turned out the hot ones worked best for me. I’m glad that this part of it is over, at least for awhile I pray.
Valarie -
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