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  • Pertie
    Post count: 4

    I’m newly diagnosed; mid December 2008 after my doctor saw some signs during my yearly physical the month before that. I’d been feeling ‘off’ since early September but not enough to go to my doctor, especially knowing I had an appt to see her in mid November. I could also have attributed the fatique and jitterness to menopause since I’m 52 and going through the change. After many tests including the Thyroid uptake I was sent to my new best friend; an Endocrinologist. I’m in the Santa Barbara area and go to the Sansum Medical Clinic so the care is quite good. They didn’t drag it out or test me to death either. It was almost too easy. Not to say I felt great because I felt very very poor. Once I started the Methimizole and Propranolol I felt better almost immediately – just a bit tired from the meds. Drugs….gotta embrace them when one has little to no choice but to.
    I go back to my Endocrinologist in two weeks after a blood test to see where I’m at. Personally; I’m hoping to just have my thyroid taken out and (hopefully) be done with an organ that will no longer be healthy again. Take the thyroid hormones – once the dosage is correct -and move on. I did see my Opthamalogist, just yesterday. He assured me that so far I have no Grave’s damage to my eye muscle/bone. My dry eyes are due to the Lasik I had done ten years ago; not GD.
    Perhaps I don’t have Grave’s as bad as others or maybe I was diagnosed at a very early stage and that is why I’m not overwhelmed with symptoms. I hope it can stay contained. I do get wonderful medical care as well.
    Having GD wouldn’t have been on my list of to-dos in this lifetime but it’s made me more aware of taking care of myself and my health. In that way alone, I am blessed.

    I pray for everyone on this board who are having such difficulities dealing with the fallout of GD. I know it can be bad. If it turns bad for me I hope to be half as strong as the wonderful people on this board. I thank you for sharing your advice and stories. It helps us all deal. Take care everyone.

    Post count: 66


    I’m so glad to hear that you are doing well and the medical care you are getting is wonderful. Even when the disease is bad it ALWAYS helps to have a great medical team to rely on. Considering that you are going through menopause it’s great that those symptoms don’t exacerbate the Grave’s. My mom is going through that phase in life and has finally been able to find some herbs that have helped her to find some relief from the side effects. I don’t agree with all the things Opera has done but I back her up 100% when she encourages health awareness and proper treatment. She wants all American woman to encourage each other to talk about menopause because for some reason society hasn’t embraced the change…instead it’s almost an embarrassment. I’m so glad to see that you have a positive attitude and a great out look. We woman need to stick together. I was wondering what made you decide to have surgery? I am trying to keep an open mind about my treatment( because I am unsure what my options are at this point) yet I envy those ppl like you, that have made up there minds what they believe the best treatment is for the. Radioactive Iodine just freaks me out. Surgery scares me less than the radioactive stuff but the only drug I have tried is the PTU that made me sick. I couldn’t handle the body aches. I could barely move. So I will have to wait and see what’s going to happen. I have never seen an endocrinologist….but I finally got an appt and I was able to get in February 10th. I have been waiting like 3 months for this appt and I am very excited. Hopefully my endo will be as good as yours. I’m looking forward to having a plan on attack so I can move forward with treatment. Best of luck to you. I’m glad you found this site.Take Care!

    Post count: 4

    Thanks Sarabear, for your kind words of encouragement. To answer your question about my decision to just have my thyroid taken out I’d say it’s two-fold. Number one: I already take Lipitor and it’s hard on a person’s liver as is the Methimizole. Methimizole isn’t really a maintenance drug as is Lipitor and given a choice I feel it’d be better for my liver to take only the one drug. Thyroid Hormone is a maintenance drug; taken like Lipitor and for the rest of one’s life. I don’t pretend to think it’ll be a picnic getting the dosage correct right away and am willing to work toward that goal. Surgery? Sure it’s scary but I’m a firm beliver in following ones gut feeling and my gut tells me to take out a sick organ and hopefully….be done with it….moving on with keeping everything else in tow and praying that GD doesn’t get me elsewhere. Number two: I won’t do the RAI; just doesn’t appeal to my sense fo well being. It can work wonderfully for others but I don’t want the uncertain fallout from RAI.
    I will be seeing my Endocrinologist in a couple weeks – for the first time since being diagnosed by him. After he sees my blood results he may have his own ideas but I will definately talk surgery to him. When he initially saw me he told me my three choices and we went with what, I’m sure, everyone has to do for the first couple months in order to get through being hyperthyroid. If all is calm in that area; I’m hoping for the surgery. My husband is going with me on the upcoming visit as well, and I know between what I hear and what he hears – a good decision will be made. We shall see.
    I’m also at what I’m hoping is the end of the menopause tunnel; which as far as I know has been about ten years going and the last three I’ve been taking hormones. I’m also in the process of tapering those down to stop taking them within the next year or so.
    Thanks again for asking and take care. Please post after you see your Endocrinologist. We all care about each other’s results on this board and I know I appreciate knowing what another is experiencing.

    Post count: 66

    Hey Pertie….

    How are you doing? I’m so excited…..I see my endo tomorrow for the first time! Let you know what I find out.

    Post count: 4

    I’m doing just fine Sarabear. Thanks for asking. I don’t see my Endo until mid-next week. In the meantime….I’m status quo which is a good thing.
    For sure: let us know how your visit goes. I’m hoping you get some positive news. Okay; no cures BUT maybe a definitive direction you can move towards and feel confident with.
    Take care… soon.

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