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  • genuinruby
    Post count: 92

    I found the site listed below helpful to explain the different kinds of lab tests and what they are used to test for. It does not list reference ranges. Keep in mind that there are many different testing facilities and they seem to all have diffent reference ranges. It is important to have a doctor you can "discuss" your health with. A good doctor may not have all the answers, but they will be willing to investigate on your behalf.

    Hope this helps,
    Ruby in Reno

    Post count: 120

    Only your doctor can explain your lab levels to you. There are too, many variables with each person’s tests and other outlaying health issues that only your doctor can explain to you.

    You may find a generalized notion of what is normal for the lab you used but without a full medical history that your doctor can use to see what may have caused your readings, any thing else is pure speculation.

    Ask your doctor and let us know how you are doing. We are only a click away.

    Post count: 8

    A couple weeks ago my dr told me I had graves disease and didn’t really tell me anything else or give me any treatment plans or ideas, he also didn’t refer me to anyone. I finally requested my labs and have a dr appointment on Friday with a new dr. who will hopefully help me a little more. But right now I am looking at some labs that I don’t understand at all. I tried doing some searches on the internet to find out more about the tests and numbers but didn’t find anything help me so I am hoping someone here might be able to give me a little insight. Here is what he measured and the results.

    T3 Uptake: 36.0
    Thyroxine: 10.3
    Calculated T7 (FTI): 3.71
    Thyroid Peroxidase AB: 245
    Thyroglobulin AB: 51.1

    There were also two other tests that were slightly abnormal. Does anyone know if these are related to the thyroid and antibody levels? They were:

    Calculated Bun/Creatinine: 30 (slightly high) (my Bun levels were normal and my Creatinine levels were normal but this was a little high)
    Alkaline Phosphatase: 24 (slightly low)

    Are there other tests I should ask for when I go to the dr on Friday? I have read a lot of people talking about Free T3 and T4 test, do I need to get those? Also what little I found about Thyroglobulin on the internet was talking more about hashimoto’s than graves so is that elevated in both? It also seems that all my thryroid levels are in range, is that just because of the tests he did? Any help navigating these numbers would be super appreciated. Thanks.

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