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  • powergrrrl29
    Post count: 26

    Yeah I had that problem too. I thought it was Irritable bowel syndrome before I figured out it was probably from my hyperthyroidism. I was a runner and always had to bring TP because I never knew when it would happen….it was very irritating. Ruined alot of my workouts. I quit running and started beta blockers…now I seem to have the opposite problem. Are you on beta blockers? Not sure how long, but I’m sure once you are on the antithyroid drug for awhile and correct the hyperthyroidism it should get better.


    Post count: 17

    I have this issue and this bothers me. Sometimes it happens at the most unusual places when I am shopping, out with friends or even at church! I began my medication for over three weeks now (methimazole 5 mg/2x day). Once the medication takes it course, does the frequent bowel movement associated with GD stops? Thank you.

    My Graves Disease is mild but my Graves Opthalmopathy is not mild at all. FYI. Thank you!

    Post count: 16

    Ive been on PTU for amost 3 years and I still have these episodes. My husband is always annoyed because it can be after eating anything, anywhere. Its just random. I think through all this I have IBS too or something because my stomach is always having issues on and off. Sorry I cant be much help! Good luck

    Post count: 435

    Hey ooooooooooo the joys eh?
    Yeah I was diagnosed with IBS etc…

    anyway like pizzicatto said I often had to pull over at service stations or half way through dinner off I would go! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

    Its just great being a woman and having GD ain’t it :lol:

    M x

    Post count: 88

    Annoying is a nice way of putting it.If I put a cracker in my mouth by the time I swallow; I’m running to the next toilet! I don’t know how normal it is, but even with the PTU (was 300 mg) I was/am going at least 6-8 times a day.

    My son’s baby wipes, vaseline, and witch hazel have become my bestest friends!

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