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  • enough3
    Post count: 144

    If I read your post right, the labs you posted are from Jan. Do you have any recent labs? If you have been on the meds for 6-8 weeks, you will probably have a good change if you are very consistent with taking your PTU.

    I also was an avid runner when I was DX. I’m 30 and I was DX lasted year…right after I got done running (legs turned to lead..could not move them) and went into thyroid storm. Very scary. I had to quite running for 6 months which was really hard for on me b/c I ran like 30 miles a week. BUT, I started walking 1-2 miles and doing light abs, and weights. Very lightly. Honestly, I never have been able to run like I used too.., still trying for remission on PTU and have had flucuations that have influenced this. Be encouraged. When my labs are in range, I feel great and have long walks (3-5miles) and can do lights weight to build muscle. In fact, I think I look better now with less cardio and more

    Also, I have a friend that has Graves and he did the RAI and runs marathons and is an Iron Man…….

    Post count: 144

    Also, forgot to mention the beta-blocker. I was on a beta-blocker for 2 weeks…then my pulse was running very low..40-50’s…my husband is a doctor and he would check on me throughout the day. He said that it was making my heart rate tooo slow. So, I SLOWLY..came off the BB’s. Make sure you talk with your doctor before coming off beta-blockers completely. You have to be slowly weaned.

    Post count: 26

    Hi enough3,
    Most of the labs I posted are from Jan. except for the TSI and thyroid uptake which are from Feb. I just started the PTU on Thursday so I haven’t gotten anymore labs yet. I had to wait over 2.5 months to start the PTU which I found very irritating, but I guess the dr. thinks my hyperthyroidism isn’t severe. She’s also putting me on a very low dose of PTU and I have to wait six weeks for more labs. I need the beta blocker at this point… without it I wake up with a heart rate of 120.
    I haven’t run since Jan., but I started doing weights instead. I used to bodybuild so it was easy for me to change my focus to lifting.
    I’ve also started doing the elliptical machine, but I’m really not sure if I should be doing this. I have to admit it’s very hard for me to go easy with athletics. I’ve always been very competitive. Walking really bores me, but guess I could try it. I guess I’m finding it hard to give up all the things in my life that I have always enjoyed.
    Glad that you’re enjoying the weights and walking. I hope you have remission soon and stay there.


    Post count: 144


    Wow..bless your heart. You had to wait 2 1/2 months to start ATD’s. It’s no wonder you are on Beta-Blockers. Just keep in tune with any changes in your heartrate as the PTU kicks in. I responded very quickly to it and it was only a matter of a couple weeks and I was weaning off the BB’s.
    Hang in there on working out. Start very lightly on the ellipitcal trainer. That can get your heartrate up very quickly. I, too, am very competitive, too. Ran competitive 10K’s regularly. In fact I was laughing the other day b/c I signed up to walk a 10K….never in a million yrs. would I have thought I’d walk..BUT, Graves has been a blessing to me in many ways. How? Well, I have always been super fit, 3 kids, full-time working mom, husband who is a Dr…busy schedule…..and did not take care of myself and family the best way that I could. I thought I was…but God showed me through all of this that it is okay to slow down…not be involved in so many darn things….that walking burns more fat(it’s true…!!)lol, and that I finally have more family time instead of busy time. Graves is not fun…but it has taught me valuable lessons. In many ways I thank God that He used this to teach me these lessons.

    During this season of slow down for you, remember that all of this is just a SEASON. It will not last forever…although it probably feels that way to you. hang in there….this time next year…you could be back to "normal" and running a fast as you ever have:). Give your body time to heal and recover from the stress of the Graves. You will be able to do the things you love again…in time:)

    Post count: 1569

    Lifting weights can be counterproductive when you’re still hyper as well ~ take it VERY easy. While the levels are out of range, the "destruct" mechanism for muscle mass is accelerated, the "rebuild" mechanism is suppressed. You can end up doing yourself serious harm weightlifting at the wrong time. Losing all that muscle mass can be extremely debilitating.

    Post count: 26

    Hi enough3,
    Well hopefully I can wean off the beta blockers too in a couple of weeks. I wear my heart rate monitor at all times when lifting or on the elliptical and with the beta blocker my heart rate stays okay. You sound a lot like me in your competitive endeavors. Yeah I could never imagine walking a 10K, but I guess I need to open my mind a little bit. You seem to have a very good attitude about your Graves disease. It’s good that you can actually see Graves as a blessing that has helped you in some aspects of your life. Hopefully I can do that too.
    I’ll try to take it easy with the excercise.

    Post count: 26

    Hi Ski,
    I’ll try to take it easy with the weightlifting although I’ve noticed myself getting stronger with it. When, in your opinion, would it be safe for me to return to weightlifting and running without worrying about making myself worse?….when my TSH, FT4, and FT3 are in normal range??? Except for having to take a beta blocker I actually don’t feel that bad.


    Post count: 26

    I started having symptoms of increased heart rate at rest and while running during the last 2 weeks of December ’08. My labs are TSH .01, FT4 2.01 (0.8-1.8), TPO 430, TSI 201, 24 hr uptake 50% so looks like I have graves for sure. I’ve been taking a beta blocker (Propanolol 20mg) three times per day since January, but I just started PTU 50 mg three times per day on Thursday.
    I haven’t been doing any cardiovascular excercise since early January because people on this site warned me that it might not be good for me. I am a competitive runner and am on a running team so this really sucks for me. The endocrinologist also told me not to run "for now" then she told me that I probably won’t gain weight on PTU since I’m so active….yeah she said that after telling me basically not to excercise.
    My heart rate is still on the high side without the beta blocker so I’m wondering when will the PTU kick in so I can stop taking the beta blocker and hopefully start running again?


    Post count: 1569

    When your blood levels are within the normal range, that’s the best time to start back ~ slowly.

    Post count: 144

    You are a smart girl..wearing a heart monitor..duh….why did I not think of that? LOL That is a great idea while on Beta-Blockers. Hope you start to feel better!

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