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  • mom2harley
    Post count: 1

    Hi my name is Emily and I was diagnosed with Graves Disease a little over year ago. I am twenty and I have a two year old daughter. I have done my best to understand everything that I can about Graves. The doctors said that my levels were off the charts, and I can continually feel it progressing. They had me on PTU and they said I needed the Surgical Thyroidectomy that was a year ago. I cannot stop shaking, my heart is racing, I am now under a hundred pounds (my prepregnancy weight was 135), I can’t stop sweating and I am losing hair. Does anyone know if this is because of the graves or if it is just ironic. I went to the ER a couple of months ago and they said that I was entering a ‘Storm’. I haven’t been back to the doctor because I lost my insurance and cannot afford the bills that I already have. I was wondering what could happen if I go untreated, what this whole ‘storm’ thing is and if anyone knew of any doctors that would help me by working out a payment plan. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!

    Post count: 8

    OMG Emily …… You need to get medical treatment!!!! ASAP!!!!! A storm can be fatal. I don’t want to scare you but…… you need to get help NOW! Even if you go to the ER, a storm requires hospitalization.

    Back in the early 1900’s, many doctors didn’t even know what Graves was. There was no treatment (ATD’s, Surgery, RAI etc…) for Graves, sooooooo ……. when people were unfortunate enough to get Graves they were left to die! It wasn’t until mid 1900 that the head of Cleveland Clinic developed the surgery and started saving lives. I know this because I flew to Cleveland Clinic to see Dr. Cabral (Endo/Thyroid Disease Specialist) regarding my Graves and he told me the story about how Graves treatment developed! I was in shock when I left there!

    Emily, I don’t have insurance either because I provided my family insurance with my job, that I had to quit because of my Graves! I maintained COBRA for 18 months at over $1300.00 per month. Then, 2 months after my insurance ended I was diagnosed with Cancer. Fortunately, I have found some wonderful doctors and I have spent the last year going through chemotherapy and radiation WITHOUT INSURANCE!!!! One round of chemo is $20,000.00, One Petscan is $10,000.00. I have racked up over $350,000.00 in medical bills. HOWEVER, THERE ARE STILL SOME WONDERFUL DOCTORS….WHERE IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT MONEY!!!! Most of my doctors have written off my debts. WOW!!!! I THANK GOD EVERYDAY!!!!! Even my Oncologist has not charged me one dime and he’s the best around here!!!!

    As far as my Graves, my Endo charges me $60.00 and lets me make payments and my labs are done at the hospital, which the hospital writes off 100% of my bills.

    Where do you live???? Someone on GDF might have an Endo that they can talk to…to get you in there….and get you treatment asap! I know for sure, if you live near me (Chattanooga) I could get you in to see my Endo immediately!!!

    Please let me know, I am willing to help you all that I can!


    Post count: 144

    I totally agree with the last post. GO GO GO to the ER right away! I had a thyroid storm and I almost had a heart attack.
    I delayed the trip for days before the storm..b/c I thought my symptoms were in my head. I had ALL the symptoms you mentioned in your post. Go girl!

    Most hospitals have "charity funds". AFTER you get home from the ER and in a couple weeks, call the hospital and ask to speak to someone who is in charge of the charity fund. They are the person that will help guide you and hopefully get you covered.

    Until then, get to the ER.

    Post count: 88

    As this may not be the best thing to say; it has been my world for over three years. I haven’t had insurance for that time. Go where you can, see who you can. I probably owe my local hospital up in the 100,000’s, but you can’t not have any treatment. Now is not the time to worry about that.

    It has trully been hard for me, but I’m surviving the best I can. I have let no stone unturned. Try every clinic, medi- anything. Just don’t not do anything.

    We are all family here, and I may have found my twin…I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers…


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