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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    It’s a possibility, and that’s the easiest thing to check. Just get labs done and find out for sure. If it’s not, keep asking questions of the doctor and get to the bottom of it ~ too often after we have Graves’, our doctors check thyroid levels, announce, "normal," go home, you’re fine! And we forget to turn it back on them ~ I’m NOT fine. Help me find out why. Good luck, let us know how things turn out!

    Post count: 73

    Hi everyone,

    Over the last few days my daughter has complained of feeling very cold & having numbness in her arms & legs, to the extent that this causes her to wake up during the night. Her arms & legs will go numb when the slightest pressure is put upon them, for example sitting causes her tlegs to go numb. She is taking carbimazole and levothyrixine (Block-replace therapy). Is this a sign that she is hypothyroid?

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