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  • azroses2322
    Post count: 35

    I see from your other posting that you are very hyper (very low TSH). I was also when first diagnosed and I also had the same problem (it had gone on for a month before the Graves diagnosis — nausea and diarrhea) and they did put me on nausea meds. I did stop eating for about 3 weeks and got in worse shape — so I don’t recommend it if you can eat — I couldn’t. I lost 32 lbs in 2 weeks and got so week and scared, I was afraid my body was going to shut down. I had to re-train my body to accept food — it was horrible. So please talk with your doctor maybe there is something he can give you to help. It is such a hard time in this hot phase to deal with everything. Please work with your doctor and if your insurance has health coaches — they are a good support to help also.

    Post count: 1569

    Very common, when you’re hyper. DEFINITELY speak with your doctor. You need nutrition, and you can be more comfortable.

    Post count: 19

    I’m a little embrassed by this but every time I eat anything I’m running to the bathroom. Is this common and is there anything I can do about this? I getting tired of this. It makes me not want to eat at all.


    Post count: 34

    For about 2 years intermittently I was having the same problem, seemed when I ate something w/Splenda is when this would happen. So, I would watch ingredients and I would seem to be OK then.

    Right before I was (accidentally) diagnosed w/GD in Feb, I had noticed having the BM problem again. Like you, I felt like I was running to the BR as soon as I finished eating. I knew I wasn’t eating stuff w/Splenda, so didn’t know why this was happening more frequently. :oops:

    To make a long story short, I had RAI March 20th and have been on ATM’s since 2 days after and now seem to be normalized on that front.

    Post count: 4294


    As others have said, this should subside once your thyroid levels are under control.

    If it does not, you might consider a food allergy — specific foods could be upsetting your system. There are companies that do blood testing for food allergies, although it’s expensive and not 100% accurate. I’ve used Immunolabs and Meridian Valley in the past. I’ve found that my digestive system is a lot happier if I don’t overload on gluten, dairy, and eggs. (I tried eliminating them completely for a while, but that was WAY too high-maintenance. :lol: )

    You can also try an elimination diet on your own. The Allergy Self-Help Cookbook by marjorie Hurt Jones has some good info if you are interested.

    Best of luck!

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