I don’t know if this is a new symptom for me or if I just hadn’t noticed it before. BUt lately I’ve noticed a thumping or vibration in my thyroid. I think that I read something about it at some point, but now can’t find that source. Anyone else experience this? Does it mean anything other than a whacked-out thyroid?
My levels have creeped just over the low end of "normal" but I’m hoping for an appointment with a different endo. Mine rushed me through my last appt. (only my 2nd time since dxed). Of course I have LOTS of questions. His answer was "don’t blame everything on your thyroid – see your GP." I’m just trying to figure this all out and was hoping to find a doctor who would help me.
Emily I had pain and pulsating at my thyroid a few weeks back and posted on here…its a horrible feeling however, when I asked my endo about it he wasn’t concerned. I know Dianne had advised me to speak with someone because of the pain side of it. Its always worth the asking.
M x
Thyroid pain is common with us. With Graves’ it is normal to have thryoid swelling or a goiter. As part of the swelling process there is scar tissue developing in the thyroid and that can cause pain and the thumping you are describing. Talk to your doctor about it. Often all it takes is some tylenol to help with the pain and swelling to make it feel better.
But it is best to talk to your doctor to make sure it is not something else.
As many have noticed, I am not a fan of dr’s with poor bedside manner. I prefer to kick them to the curb. If they are more interested in "treat them and street them" then that dr. isn’t worth MY TIME. Which is worth quite a lot these with 4 kids.So you are right in looking for a dr. that suites your needs and wants. Good luck with it and keep us posted.
Could not help but respond to this thread. I posted a subject like yours weeks ago. I KNOW EXACTLY what you are talking about. I’m still experiencing it. I notice it more at night…I guess because when I get in the bed and watch tv/read I’m not "upright". It seems that I notice it more the "flatter" I lay…Does that make sense? My Endo says that my thyroid is swollen and I have a goiter.
At night, try resting on two pillows. I think the more upright the better…at least until things get level:)
Maybe it’s that more blood is rushing or pumping out of that area? LOL Wish I knew all the answers…but I don’t:)
Hang in there~
I actually read your previous post after I posted mine. I was glad (again) to see that I’m not alone. You describe it exactly right. I’m frustrated because my endo says my thyroid is only slightly enlarged and I shouldn’t be feeling anything because of it – like "fullness" in my throat or the thumping – but I DO!
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