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  • anniekate
    Post count: 5

    Thanks all! Just wanted to check in with you and let you know that my test results came back and the doc says my thyroid is beginning to come back into normal ranges. He cut my ptu by 1 – so taking 5 a day instead of 6 and cut my atenolol by 1/2 so taking 25mg a day now. I have an appointment with the eye specialist later in the month. In the mean time the pharmasist recommened Tears Naturall, (over the counter) to use as much as I needed. Been using those and wearing my sunglasses when outside and eyes are feeling a bit better. Cutting the atenolol has increased my energy some. Not so tired all the time. So things are looking up and just wanted to say thank you all for your support and encouragement. Its nice to have people to talk with that understand. Especially about the anxiety and nervousness over every little ache and pain or symtom………lol Take good care of yourselves- Annie

    Post count: 199

    Annie –
    Good news! Progress is definitely encouraging.


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