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  • ely2009
    Post count: 199

    Can’t answer your questions, but can sympathize about the doctor issue. I, too, have a doc that can’t seemed to be bothered by me and my ignorance. To him, I’m just another patient, but to me it’s MY LIFE AND WELL_BEING! I have managed to get into another endo who I’m praying will be more informative and helpful. Thank goodness we have this board to fall back on when our docs don’t provide the info. Good luck,


    Post count: 1569

    So unfair of your doctor!! If you go on methimazole and you either don’t like how it makes you feel, or you decide to do RAI, all you have to do is stop taking it for a while prior to RAI. There is no special complication I know of for patients who have taken methimazole and then had RAI. You just can’t be taking methimazole one day and have RAI the next, because it would keep your thyroid from taking in the RAI. There is a second medication, PTU, and while I know it acts slightly differently to arrive at the same result as methimazole, I don’t know if it’d be any different in your doctor’s eyes for taking before RAI. Overall, I’d say it’s time to look for a new doctor.

    Many patients here have had methimazole prior to RAI (I am one, actually), and the advantage is that it allows you to slow down and THINK, process the information in front of you, before you make any irreversible choices.

    Post count: 127

    I agree with Ski…and actually I took methimazole for a bit and had to be off of it for only a week prior to my uptake test…and then my doc let me decide if I wanted to do the RAI after that…and had to be off of the med for only a week before the RAI…I’d be looking for a different doc if it were me…sounds to me like he is trying to pressure you into the RAI and into making a decision right now. The meds you can stop and have a different something done if you want…once you have the RAI…it generally is done…there is no turning back then. Not that the first treatment of RAI is guarenteed to work…but still….find a new doc hun. Pronto. If your hyper now…you can’t afford to not be on something if your gonna take your time to make a decision that you are comfortable with.

    Post count: 484

    Lets see….. Your dr. said RAI or Tapazole. Says that you shouldn’t do Tap because you can’t do tap than RAI but in fact you can. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and acts like a duck than it is a duck… Now apply that to your dr….If this is the way they are trying to push RAI that is just so asinine and poor bedside and well I’d kick the dr. to the curb! Oh wait…. I’d get the prescription for Tapazole first and get the right dosing and if the dr. says "well it’s against my better judgment" just say well this is MY thyroid not yours and I will make my own disisions on something so permanent.(tapping my foot while I was typing that lol). Once you get the right dosage for the tapazole you are at least set for starting to feel better, you having burned a bridge yet with the dr. so if YOU NEED to be seen he/she will see you asap if there are any side effects. In the meantime you can look for a new dr. and when you do find one you are already on meds so after a blood test they can determine if the dose needs to be up’d or lowered or stay the same.

    You seem to want to do the Tapazole first and see what it does. You shouldn’t have to feel pressured by any dr. for doing something you don’t want to do when there is another alternative first. Unless of course you are in a life threatening situation which it doesn’t seem that you are right this moment.

    I think that taking the Tapazole will help clear your mind and if you truly want RAI then go for it but at least it will be YOUR decision.


    Post count: 12

    Ok all,
    I need your help if you are able. I am having the hardest time ever making my decision about either RAI or tapazole again. I asked my doc if I should be put on tapazole at least while I’m waiting to make my decision b/c i’m not really sure just how long it’s been since i’ve been hyper. He said no i should not b/c if I do choose to do RAI then coming off the tapazole and going onto the RAI can have side effects. Does anyone know if there is something else I can be on while I’m waiting or is tapazole the only option? And, what side effects can it have? I like to think that my doctor would tell me my other options if that was something I was concerned about but of course that would just be too much to expect. :roll:

    Post count: 12

    Thank you mamabear and all others who have helped me with this decision. I’ve decided to go with the Tapazole for awhile. Been only 3 days, but i’ll keep you all updated. thanks again.

    Post count: 484

    Great for you!!!!! I do hope the dr. didn’t give you any gas about it. <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> Keep us posted with how you are feeling.

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