Dear Friends,
Are you looking for something special for your loved one? Plus you can help the Graves’ Disease Foundation – a beautiful Bracelet with the "butterfly" symbol with gold or silver for your loved one. Call our National Office for details 877.643-3123!
Join our "Campaign for a Cure" of Graves’ thyroid disease. Visit our website: and see how you can get a free bracelet for a major gift to our Campaign for a Cure.
The Graves’ Disease Foundation’s goal is to help Patients and Caregivers with this Bulletin Board.
If you are one of the many people who find our Bulletin Board & website helpful, please consider helping support its upkeep by making a gift to GDF. You can become a member of GDF (with a $35 donation) or any amount. Your tax-deductible gift will support our Patient Services and Research Fund in our fight to find a cure for Graves’ disease. It’s time we took Graves’ thyroid disease seriously!
HELP US NOW. Click this secure link and go to the GDF website donation page: DONATE
Thanks again for joining our Fight!
Peter Filocamo, President
Graves’ Disease Foundation