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  • sickofgraves
    Post count: 29

    I need some help on what foods I should and shouldn’t eat and those foods I should eat only in moderation. Please, if anyone wants to write which foods or drink you should always keep on hand, which ones you should avoid like the plague and which ones you can eat or drink, but only in moderation, I would so very thankful. This is for a person with GD on Tapazole.

    Post count: 3

    my husband has graves and his doctor has a list of things that are high in iodine to avoid. believe it or not…milk products. the industry standard is to clean the utters and machinery with iodine. also, no sea salt or seaweed. you can use kosher salt instead. there are a lot of vegetables that contain high amounts of iodine also such as aspargus, broccoli, white onion, corn, brussel sprouts. also, potato skin contains high amounts of this as well. be careful with seafood products, such as, squid, crab, sole. there are many others if you look on the cdc’s website for vegetable and fruit nutirition guidelines. i am not a doctor so the best thing would be to talk directly with yours to come up with a plan that works best for you. also, everything in moderation after your levels are in normal range is a good way to look at it. i hope i helped a bit.

    Post count: 29

    Thanks, I appreciate your post. I guess what I am hoping for as well, is a list of foods that NGDF forum contributors eat, don’t eat and eat in moderation. Just for a reference. My doctor knows nothing. He’s a GP and is treating me based on what I ask of him and his general knowledge. Don’t get me wrong..he’s a good doctor, but there is no Endo within 150 miles of me. It’s me and this computer doing the research.

    Post count: 216

    The only thing my endo recommended I try to limit was seaweed/kelp when I started treatment. There was not a total prohibition, but rather just ‘try to avoid frequent consumption’. I was allowed an occasional sushi fix. I suspect that given 10 different doctors, you will get 10 different recommendations. I think just eating a healthy diet rich in fresh fruit, veg, and whole grain plus the occasional indulgence (gotta have chocolate) has worked well for me. I have been in remission for almost 3 years now.

    Post count: 29

    Thank you! Ironically, maybe the reason I came out of an eight year remission is because I got a rice cooker for Christmas and went sushi crazy. I just adore the stuff. I really didn’t have a clue that it might knock me back into GD. Also, I started taking this stuff called Flexicose for my joints, which is from a shellfish derivitive. Go figure. Won’t let that happen again.

    Probably my hardest things are my half decaf in the morning, chocolate, a glass of wine now and then, fish and occasional dairy. I do find that like all sort of allergy things, if you load them up, they attack you, but if you are careful to not eat them all together, you can sometimes get away with it. I am just concerned that I might blow-it and eat the wrong foods unknowingly, like I did with the sushi.

    Post count: 216

    I am a total dairy nut. Yes, I actually grew up with my own milk cow. My endo said my dairy consumption was fine and in fact gave me a total pass to continue my 2 latte (skim milk) a day habit as well as other dairy like cheese & yogurt. He also encouraged me (EVERY VISIT) to take additional calcium/vit D supplements. Of course I was nursing & then pregnant too so I’m sure I really needed it – I still take it. I enjoy the occasional glass of wine. Sometimes the sulfites in the wine make me a little stuffy but, oh well. I love salmon (and most other fish). I haven’t eaten much for awhile but only because of the price and because of social conscience. I worry about overfishing and pollution from farm raised fish so that is more of a personal choice than a health decision. So far it seems to work for me. I have felt great.

    Post count: 153

    I have a QUESTION for anyone that can help me on NAMING THOSE FOODS. I understand that GD patients shouldn’t have dairy products; however, I was looking at Soy milk to put on my cereal in the morning and when reading the label, SOY MILK HAS SEA SALT and my understanding is that we shouldn’t have Sea Salt either. Can anyone tell me what they use to put on cereal in the mornings or a brand of Soy Milk that doesn’t contain Sea Salt?? THANKS SO MUCH…I’m a cereal girl and ready to give up or cut back on dairy products to help myself. Sue

    Post count: 29

    Apparently soy is also on the no-no list (although, I imagine soy in moderation might be okay). I am a cereal girl as well and don’t like cow’s milk anyway (half and half in coffee only), so I use Pacific Natural Foods Almond Milk (low-fat regular…not vanilla). You can get it at Trader Joes, if you are lucky enough to have one (I am not). Probably any natural food store carries it. Shake it well. As long as we are on the subject…I eat Nature’s Path Organic Heritage whole grain cereal. It’s really good. It’s a flake cereal with lots of flavor and crunch and doesn’t taste like wood. Hope this helped.

    Post count: 153

    Hello "sick of graves" (ME TOO!) I truly appreciate all your input and I just had a Trader Joes open in my area a month ago….YEAH!! Come to think of it, I bought "goats milk" there too, but only used it to make homemade soap for my family, so I’m going there THIS WEEKEND and ck. out the labels!! I’m so happy your responded, THANK YOU!! I don’t want to get too crazy with my diet over GD, but there’s enough "hidden" items in today’s foods that anything I can personally do to help myself, I’m going to do it!!

    Post count: 29

    I was just checking the Almond milk box and there’s not any calcium invloved. I take a supplement called Bone-Up by Jarrow Formulas. It has no gluten, dairy, egg, fish/shellfish or nuts in it.

    Post count: 398

    My 2-cents worth:

    If you are reading the labels, check the miligrams of Sodium in things. That will show up especially in processed foods. (Don’t start until after the picnics today, or you won’t enjoy the grilled hot dogs) An ideal limit is 2,500 mgm/day. 3,5000 is more reasonable. Sodium is in everything that is not fresh–it is one of the popular preservatives.

    The reason that soy is a no-no is that it prevents the absorption of thyroid hormone. That was discovered with infants (bortn without a thyroid) on soy formula, which they drank around the clock. You are not yet on replacement hormone, so that is not a worry. When you get on replacement, if you take it away from the soy, you will be ok. There are some more things that you shouldn’t eat aroundthe time that you take your hormones, but all I can think of at the moment is oatmeal. If you take your medicine at night, that usually takes care of things.

    The question of "cruciferous" vegetables is almost an academic question. Meaning: you can’t eat enough of them to make a differencve. If you are a green-vegetable-only vegetarian, you would have a problem, but I don’t think there is such a person!

    I believe Diet-Rite sodas have no sodium.

    Don’t make eating such a chore that it consumes you. Eat healthy, eat moderately, and eat with awareness. Remember to make the quality of your life a priority.

    Post count: 153

    Thank U so much for your recommendation…I’ve taken a close look at a lot of labels and most of them have sea salt which is also not recommended for GD patients. Along with dairy not being recommended for GD patients, I’m a estrogen-receptive breast cancer survivor so it not recommended that I have soy products either. I’ll ck. out the almond milk and appreciate your recommendations!! I’m finding it difficult to find a mean with nutrition for my health…I do take calcium, Vit D, multi-vit supplements myself too.

    Post count: 1569

    Quick comment on sea salt: it does NOT naturally contain iodine. Iodine is a salt additive doctors recommended in years past because so many people were experiencing hypothyroidism due to a lack of iodine in their diet. Sea salt directly from the sea isn’t iodized. My newest bottle of sea salt actually carries a warning that this "necessary nutrient" is lacking in the sea salt. Sea salt does have several other trace minerals that are not present in traditional table salt, but iodine is not one that is naturally occurring.

    Post count: 153

    Ski…THANK U so much for claryifying the sea salt issue for me!! Labels can be soooooooo confusing too and this is GREAT information!! We appreciate you!!

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