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  • srqkud
    Post count: 1

    Good morning.
    I discovered your site while trying to find answers.
    We live in Cape Town, South Africa.
    My wife was diagnosed with Grave’s disease a year ago.
    Radium treatment was recommended.
    It would appear that she had this disease for quite a while before it was diagnosed.
    Over a period of time:
    Her heartbeat was very irregular.
    Her moods swung around worse than a barometer on steroids.
    Our 33 year marraige started showing cracks as the situation worsened.
    Then the diagnosis.
    She had radium treatment, which turned her into a slow motion zombie for 6 months.
    She is now on daily altroxin pills.
    She has had 3 different strengths of pills on the way to the "Doctor" trying to stabilize her.
    One very weak: one step up from slow motion zombie. 3-4 months worth.
    One too strong: full of zest, but bad mood swings and heart pulpatations. 3-4 months worth.
    3rd try, strength less than 2nd try: almost a mixture of both the above descriptions. One day up, one day down. 1 months worth.
    My questions are these.
    Is this normal?
    Is the "Doctor" missing something?
    How long does this usually take before a return to "normal"?
    Are there any suggestions available from any of your may members?
    Thanks for your site, your vast amount of information on this disease, and all persons who have contributed to this site in the hope of helping others.

    Post count: 1569

    This is DEFINITELY normal. Things happen slowly when we’re getting back to normal, because our normal "point" within the normal range of thyroid hormone is not obvious until we reach it. In addition to that, until we find it, we need to wait at least six weeks between dose changes in order for our body to fully metabolize the dose and react appropriately so we can see where to go next from the blood tests. Last element to the puzzle is that it’s not safe to move more than one dose level at a time. She’s closer every minute, try to look at it that way.

    Whenever I change a dose of replacement thyroid hormone, it takes at least a couple of weeks feeling up/down before I start to level out. Once she find her "spot," you should be able to relax and test just annually or so, but the finding of that spot is extremely important to her future health, so the time spent finding it is valuable.

    Keep in mind that all this time her body’s been out of balance, and it’s been suffering. Once she has found her spot, her body can BEGIN to heal from all that suffering. So that day will begin a period of improvement that will eventually end up where she feels very well, but she will NOT necessarily feel well on that day or even very soon afterward. And that is also normal.

    You sound like you’ve been very observant, and right by her side. She is lucky to have you. Hang in, you’ll both get there. <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />

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