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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I just had a bad cold that my daughter brought home from camp. It took me longer to get over it than it did for her. I have been feeling a little more Gravey , if that is a word, when I was sick. I am also going through RAI healing so don’t know that mine isn’t just from that.


    Post count: 115

    Some over the counter cold/flu medicines can have an effect on blood pressure and heart rate. The cold/flu in of itself can bring on respiratory issues. If you are having trouble breathing or have body aches associated with the virus, your pulse could increase as a result of your body fighting for more oxygen. People in pain or discomfort generally will have an elevated heart rate. You have to remember that your body is fighting hard to kill the virus. I have experienced GD like symptoms while fighting a virus that had nothing to do with GD on more than one occasion. It is good that you are conscious about these things and ensure that everything is in check with your Dr., but don’t allow yourself to get to the point where you end up worrying needlessly over it though. I realize that this is easier said than done. I don’t know how many times I’ve said to myself, “is it back”. When in fact I might have had a stressful day or drank too much coffee etc etc. As long as you are onside with your Dr. and getting your blood work done regularly; you are doing everything you can to stay on top of things.

    Post count: 199

    I’m fighting off something – low grade fever, kind of achy, tired, a little nauseous, hot flashes. My daughter also has similar symptoms. Her ped said "just a virus." Not too worried – my endo had labs (CBC and liver function) drawn today to check things out. I’m just wondering if with something like this it’s normal to have an increase in Graves symptoms – tremors, increased heart rate, a little lightheaded. Any other time I wouldn’t worry, just would wait for it to run its course. But I’ve finally just started feeling better consistently and DO NOT want to go backwards.

    Any advice?


    Post count: 435

    HI Emily,

    I know when I had a flu like virus my endo had pointed out that it can sometimes upset the thyroid and exacerbate symptoms… Hopefully you will start to feel better soon, and its a good thing they have taken some blood to keep an eye on you.

    M xxxx

    Post count: 1569

    Any immune system "spike" is capable of bringing up our Graves’ antibody activity as well ~ while your body is actively fighting something else, you may well find that some of your Graves’ systems escalate.

    Post count: 211

    I am fighting off some bronchitis/ upper resp infection riiiiiiiight now. UGH,. Im super sleeepy. I wish I had a home kit to take my own TSH levels. LOL. I think I would be less worried and anxious at every thing my body does.

    Post count: 115

    There is no question that as our immune system ramps up to fight an infection, there is the possibility that we can relapse or get worse. This was always of particular concern to me especially while in remission. If you are already being treated on ATD’s this will be less of a concern and may just mean and adjustment to your dosage if required as prescribed by your Dr.

    I had a Graves relapse only on one occasion years ago resulting from a long drawn out virus. I’ve had numerous viruses over the years since with no problems at all. In fact in just the last couple of months appendicitis sent my white blood cells skyrocketing. Still with no problems and normal Thyroid test results. So if you are being treated with ATD’s and you get a viral infection, that last thing you should do is become overwhelmed with worry and anxiety. Take the best care of yourself that you can and let your Dr. take care of the rest. Anxiety and stress in of themselves wreak havoc on our immune systems.

    Take care everyone!


    Post count: 38

    About 2 weeks after being initially diagnosed with GD I got Mono and Strep throat. My endo speculated that the Mono may have caused the GD anitbodies to come out. Either way, the Mono made GD almost unbearable. I could barely stand up. Just remember to take awesome care of yourself! I felt like I had to fight twice as hard against the Mono as I otherwise would have. Now I am extremely careful about contracting viruses and don’t share food/drink and wash my hands often.

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