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  • npatterson
    Post count: 398

    I usually try to schedule my appointments as the first appoiontment, the last before lunch, the first after lunch or the last of the day. I try not to be too upset when they run late (but almost two hours is reallt a long wait) because I hope they would take the extra time with me if I needed it.

    It seems that larger practices run more "smoothly", but there isn’t much opportunity to run into overtime if needed. Smaller practices (1 or 2 doctors) seem to get behind, hopefully because the doctors are taking the time to LISTEN to patients.

    Sometimes I tell the person setting up the appointment to schedule me for a longer appointment (known as a complex assessment) because I know I have more things than just my bloodwork that we need to discuss. I guess it depends on what kind of relationship you have with the doctor. Is he meeting your needs? Competent, communicative, caring?

    Post count: 128

    …when you show up the day of your appointment?

    The last few times, he’s been running hugely late. I had a 3:15 appointment and I waited until nearly 5 pm. (I specifically got there about an hour earlier on the off chance I might be seen a bit earlier than the scheduled time). Somebody else arriving at 1:30 for a 2 pm appointment waited until 4:30 to be seen.

    Post count: 128

    I got kind of pissed — he only kept me for 15 minutes and I had a slew of things I needed to discuss — I still need more info from him for that DVRS rehab program I want to sign up for.

    I also want to know when the memory loss, the insomnia and the muscle weakness will go away — I told him the insomnia is getting worse (probably related to other things happening in my life, like trying to find a job. I had the horrible luck of being laid off about 3 months before the GD mess began — I still have not found another job and I’m way up the creek without a paddle on that one) and I’m also having more migraine headaches. Also the fatique is horrible in the afternoon — by the time 4:30 rolls around, lots of times I need to take a nap. Not real good for your sleep pattern when you retire for good for the evening.

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