I began taking the generic form of zoloft during the early days of my GD treatment. i was on methimazole (still am), but hadn’t reached normal levels yet. I wasn’t depressed – I ws anxious about every little thing that was happening. At times I felt like I was losing it. I couldn’t separate the real symptoms of Graves from what I thought was happening. now my thyroid levels are "normal" and I am still taking a low dose of zoloft. My pcp doesn’t want me to stop at least for a couple of more months. I’ve been taking it about 3 months – and I HATE the idea of taking meds and never took more than tylenol in my whole life until this year. But more that I hate taking meds, I HATED the way I felt a few months ago and I don’t want to go back there. So I’m taking a low dose of methimazole and a low dose of zoloft. I’m feeling better – not perfect, but hopefully am getting there. I’ve read about the lingering symptoms as well. Kinda scary, huh?
Hope you feel better soon.
well… I am supposedly better – normal range for four months. Why don’t I feel better. I feel fine, but that is it fine. I have been reading about the lingering effects of Graves and the mild/moderate depression that can go along with all this other stuff. I am off to my pcp tomorrow to see about an antidepressant. Anyone taking or taken an antidepressant for a little while to see if that helps the mood after stabilizing thyroid levels? jlw
Thanks, Emily.
I guess I just want to feel better. I just feel blah about almost everything in my life. It has been a year since I found out I have Graves and it just happens to be close to my birthday. [A nice birthday present, huh. : )] If my levels are stabilized, why don’t I feel better? I just feel tired and impatient and irritated – just not happy and I feel like I should be happier about things, but am not able to. In my brain and reality – I guess – life is pretty good. Guess that is a good sign that I need a mood booster.
I searched depression on this and found a lot of posts that included people feeling depressed, but not much of sharing what may have been done, so I was just wondering how common an antidepressant is for the depression part of all this.Thanks again.
I was just diagnosed with Graves a couple of weeks ago and on methizamole (sp?) and propanalol (sp?). I suffer from depression and anxiety but this has been for many years and I am well treated and usually feel pretty good. I’ve noticed I’ve been depressed for the past few weeks and was wondering if there was a correlation. I’m also tired more than usual.
Depression !! I get up every morning, put on my knee-high boots and feel like I’m walking through knee-high mud to make the day worthwhile. Welcome to GD and everything that goes along with it. ARRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Well… I got some happy pills. The doctor seems to think that the depression came first before the thyroid issues. It could be. She asked how long it has gone on and I am sad to say that I really don’t know. It has been a very long time. I can think of so many things that could be the "cause" in the last seven years. It has been one thing after another that I have had to overcome. Right now, I am feeling like the illness queen. Last year for my birthday I got Graves. This year I get a depression diagnosis. Maybe next year I will get contentment…
Tuxedo – Graves makes you tired. If you are still hyper, you’re body is on overdrive. My doctor also said that thyroid and depression are extremely similar. I knew that, but I just thought my emotions were all thyroid related and it turns out they are not.
jlw and all – endo stuff and emotions go hand-in-hand. I am still on a quarter dose of Remeron at night because I am paranoid about the insommnia recurring if I quite totally. I have never been on antidepressants more than a few weeks (I hate them and get aweful side effects with most of them). But the Remeron helps sleep and I don’t get the side effects. The down side is weight gain which masked the Graves at first. I am not sure if I got depression or Graves first – about the same time, I think.
As a life coach, I can recomment a couple of books. What Happy People Know, Happier, The How of Happiness and Authentic Happiness are my favorites – really, there are ways to create more happiness. They are simple things that we work into our routines. No, they do not totally override a wacked out thyroid before we are stabilized but I prefer them to meds long-term. I can give you authors if you need them, too. Good luck. I hate depression!
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