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  • nmasay
    Post count: 23

    I’m so relieved and excited that this is coming. I’ve got a great surgeon, the best in the state. He does the most surgeries on thyroids in the state. All the residents I work with all recommended him. My only concern is I have two little kids at home. How many days should I cover with a babysitter? Anything else special I need to know? TIA!!!

    Post count: 211

    Congrats on your surgery date and confidence in your surgeon <img decoding=” title=”Smile” /> Hope all goes well and you have a healthy, safe, quick surgery/recovery. My friend took a solid 8 days off work and was happy she did that. She is also a nurse.

    Keep us updated as you can

    Post count: 435

    Hey – congrats! Wooohooo!

    Remind me again are you a single mum? I was in hospital for 4 days. BUT I haven’t been able to lift for 2 weeks so if you have 2 little ones then you are def going to need help. I hired a cleaning lady – actually a family friend who has her own cleaning company to come in while I was in hospital (not going to go into the whole hubby issue) and for her to come in once a fortnight and do a good clean, if you want the truth I couldn’t afford once a week <img decoding=” title=”Wink” /> and I knew that I could start to potter about eventually around the house and my hubby would hoover daily SO that was me thinking practically as a mum.

    I made sure I got to do as much to get organised before I went into the hospital – I made homemade soup and put it in the freezer etc… filled the cupboards/ changed the beds/cleaned under the beds the lot as I knew otherwise I would be harassed when I came home and basically it wouldn’t get done.

    I don’t know how long they keep you in hospital in the states but I read that someone on here was home the next day – which I think is complete madness :roll Hopeful that is amazing your nursring friend is back at work after 8 days. I wouldn’t be insured over here for moving and handling in the UK at 8 days post op my surgeon has told me 4-6 weeks because of the nature of my job etc… Its amazing how different countries work isn’t it interesting? To be honest I still can’t drive and that is me16 days post op. I am lifting infrequently and when I lifted the baby again today I felt my stitches tightening so had to put him down ( internal stitching).

    So glad you have a date! keep us posted ! xxx

    I hope you get plenty of help. The one thing I wasn’t prepared for was the slump in mood :cry: I sincerely hope that doesn’t happen to you but if so you are not alone!

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