I’m so sorry Nicole for your dd diagnosis…I can’t IMAGINE going through what I have already at your dd’s age. I actually had an outburst on Sat. night with my husband and he now sits patiently and the next day, he asks me, "how’s your thyroid today?" It’s not comical, it’s serious when we can’t control our actions and there are days I’m outta control, but he’s now keying in on them without me having to say anything. I don’t know how to really answer your question, just to support you and say, unfortunately, her outbursts could be very real for how she’s truly feeling…sad, but true. Hang in there!!
Mamabear: You’re ALWAYS taking care of everyone, we’re so grateful for your presence!!
Thank you all so much for your prayers. I love her to death and want to make sure I am doing all I can to help her become the best she can be. I have 2 other children ages 10 and 5. This makes it very difficult. They get jealous because of her "special" treatment. It is tough to make them understand that she has a medical illness that causes this. Her physicans have not been very helpful. Their thought is that if the numbers are ok, her symptoms should be too!!! They do not have many answers on what I can do to help her.
Thanks again for your support,
Nicoehi Nicole –
So sorry that you’re dealing with this awful disease…
I am the one with Graves, but I do have children and every time I read a post like yours I want to cry because I can’t imagine how hard it must be for them and their families. It’s SOOOOO difficult for adults to deal with – and we have more knowledge, experience, etc.
One comment I have is that even if her numbers are "normal" she may not feel normal. Normal is NOT the same for everyone. My diagnosis was postponed for a few months because my numbers too were in the normal zone. i had been ill for about 6 weeks when the doc started running tests. One of the first things he did was check my TSH – unfortunatlely? it was normal. So about 6 more weeks of getting WORSE before he re-checked and it had just barely slipped into the hyper zone. So moral of the story – numbers aren’t everything. And it can take a while for your body to "catch up" to your TSH level.
It’s so hard parenting anyway, let alone with the confusion of GD thrown in there. hang in there. Ny family will pray for your family.
smnm96 wrote:Hi,
This is my first time doing this so I am not sure if I am doing this properly. My 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with Graves in Oct of this year. She has been on Tapazole since then. She did go very hypo but with med adjustments in July her numbers were ok. She is only on 5 mg daily. Her behavior is so erratic. She has constant mood swings, yelling outbursts, constantly yelling out the same phrase"My name is Alex", always complains how hot she is and has a big appetite. Even though her tsh is in range her behaviors are still not in good control. I am having a hard time to know if this is from the Graves or if it is just due to poor behavior. I do not know how to discipline her. I try to talk to her but she starts screaming and covering her ears. Does anyoneone know any specialists that could help me out. Her behavior is disruptive to the entire family and I want to help her in the best way possible. Help please!
NicoleJust wanted to get this out here so everyone sees it. SMNM96 posted this about her daughter.
SMNM96, i’m sorry about your dd and her diagnosis. Please know that this isn’t her fault and this isn’t her just being a bratty kid. This is the disease she has and she CAN NOT help it. I’m holding her in my prayers and your family as well for strength and understanding in getting through this.
I know there are many here that can help with info, I just wanted to give you a quick post and say I am praying. She will need your support and your understanding and when people do not understand then she will need your motherly instinct to tell them where to go so you can protect her. I am sure she is scared, confused and thinking that her feelings are very real because when you are 8 yrs old and you feel a certain way it must be because you "are", she doesn’t understand that her feelings are due to her illness and it will be ok soon. Hold her and protect her! You will all get through this.
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