Do not give up…NEVER give up!!!
You are in the right place here and believe me..everyone on this board has been through tough times with Graves. You are not alone.
When I got DX with Graves 2 years ago I had just given birth to my 3rd son. it was an extremly difficult period of life. My husband had some knowledge on this disease (he a doc), but did not have the literally hands on experience of the physical ailments and emotions that come with it. It was a season of growing for the both of us and as a family. The hormones shifts with graves can be severe. Especially if you are not in a normal range. Are you seeing an dr.? If so are your labs in normal range? If not, it may take some time, but you WILL get better as long as you are under a dr. care with this condition.
You need to try your best to take care of yourself right now. Make sure your getting enough sleep at night, eating every couple hours, getting plenty of fluids, etc. These things are very important. have you ever heard of "HALT"?? Halt is (hungry, angry, lonely, or tired) If you come to a HALT with any or one of these things, you gotta take care of the issue that your facing. Eat if your hungry, sleep if your tired, call a close and trustworthy friend if your lonely, or vent & scream into your pillow and let it all out It is normal to come to a halt with Graves. It will and can pass.
Remember, life comes in seasons. Try not to lump the DX of Graves, marital stress, and demands of a young one to create a huge mountain that seems impossible to get over. Try to see this a a season that WILL pass. Take a deep breath…you can and will get through this!!
Trust in the Lord with all your mind, all your strength, and all your mind. God is real and can be a huge help during times like this. He has been my faithful friend through my struggles with Graves… ” title=”Wink” /> Ask Him to help you, too.
Firsty, you have came to the right place. With regards to the meds you really need to try and get into a way of taking them or else all your good intentions and hard work will go to waste- these meds are your gold dust and means to trying to get well. How long since you have been diagnosed? You could ask the pharmacist to organise your meds into a weekly blister pack and therefore you will be able to see if you have taken the days meds or not…Enough has given you some great advice so I won’t repeat all that but what she says could be repeated 100x over by the people on this board….
Ok this disease is a real pain and has a huge impact upon family life. I bet if you read back older posts of mine and others on here we all said that our kids were the only thing keeping us going. I have been at the stage of a break down with this disease and medically very ill.. It wasn’t an easy ride.. far from it infact if I hadn’t had the people on here to advise me, listen and even show me love and concern I don’t know where I would be… Could your endo speak with your hubby? My endo was fantastic and I must admit although we have a lot of probs my hubby was good in most respects but at the time of being unwell I couldn’t see that. Now I look back and see a man who was at the end of his teather with a sick wife whose personality had completely changed and who would wail like a banshee if he even looked at me the wrong way.. ” title=”Wink” /> It took sometime but once the meds kicked in the hormonal rages and emotions started to subside and settle. I had to learn to cope in a different way which was very hard for me but I had to let go of the housework (gosh think that may have taken about 10posts on here to get to that stage ), take time out when I needed it – hard when you have kids but I would jump in the car in a rage and come home calmer. Be easy on yourself and love yourself therefore be gentle and caring the way you would with a friend.
It does get better! If I can come through what I have with this condition any one can.. Please try to work a way of remembering to take your meds its the only way forward at the moment. In the meantime please hang in there and keep posting we are all here to support you.
Im dizzy all the time. Exhausted. Have a hard time remembering to take my anti-thyroid medication. I have major mood swings and a husband who doesnt understand or care. I think he is cheating on me and if not he probably will. Im so tired of my life. I just want to feel better. Any and all energy I ever have goes to my almost one year old son. Sometimes I feel like giving up on life. My child is the only thing keeping me here.
Is it possible you may be also experiencing post partum depression? I know it’s a year after your son but from what I understand, hormones may still be out of whack a year later. I strongly suggest you also speak to your gyno about how you feel. And if you get no satisfaction, get a second opinion.
Is there a friend or neighbor that can help you out — maybe have the neighbor or friend watch your son for the morning or afternoon and then you go and get some "you time" — do what you like: go to a movie, to the mall, to get a mani/pedi, browse a bookstore — it’s up to you.
Please talk with your doctor seriously about how you feel. As mentioned, you might be suffering from a post partum depression: people need help to get through that. There’s nothing wrong with getting that help.
In addition, out-of-whack thyroid hormone can make us depressed, too. It is imperative that you take the meds at the time indicated. There are a two different medications possible, and sometimes one works better for someone than the other one does. Again. Talk seriously with your doctor.
Sending hugs,
Like the other posts have stated, hang in there sweat heart. It is a rough ride but you will get through it. My wife was diagnosed two years ago. As a husband I can tell you your husbands world is being turned upside down right along with yours. GD wasn’t in the brouchure ” title=”Sad” /> This isn’t what’s supposed to happen. This isn’t what life is supposed to be like. On the right side of the screen under my name there is a PM. That stands for private message. If you think it would help feel free to contact me and I will get you my contact information. I would gladly talk to your husband, if he would like, as would many other hubby’s out there. In the mean time breath deep and try to keep yourself in the present moment. Like the old saying goes, you can’t stop the waves of thoughts going through your mind put you can learn how to surf.
We have all been where you are! I don’t like being sick! God is helping me through it as He will with you! I take my anti-thyroid med. right when I wake up in the morning. God has blessed you with a precious one year old. Your child needs you to get better! It will not be an over the night experience. Please share with your doctor how you are feeling! It will get better! Hang in there!
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