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  • PAT1953
    Post count: 27

    Have been on meds for about 4 days now. I was wondering, I feel so weak. My legs tremble easily when exerting and I can hardly open a lid on a bottle. I see the endo on Dec 10 to see if I can do RAI after I’m on meds for awhile. Will I get my strength back. I have all the usual crap with this disease except no sign of eye disease yet except the sometimes dryness and scratching, but I haven’t been to an eye doc yet. Will I get my strength and endurance back after treatment or are my muscles gone for good?
    Thanks, Patti.

    Post count: 1324

    We lose muscle while hyperthyroid, but muscle slowly comes back after we regain normal levels of thyroid hormone. Also, excess amounts of thyroid hormone interfere with the functioning of what muscle we do have, so it does not work well. The combination leads to weakness that should go away once you are appropriately treated. The muscle that comes back is not strong muscle, so once your doctor has cleared you for exercise, you should establish a sensible program of exercise to rebuild your muscle strength. Otherwise, the weakness could persist even though the muscle is back.

    If your eyes are dry, you should be putting in drops — the type that are called "artificial tears." You should not allow that dry, scratchy feeling to go on for any length of time. If you should get a scratch on the cornea (a speck of dirt blows in, etc.) , it takes forever to heal when we have dry eyes, so keeping them adequately lubricated is very important. If you are unsure when you are at the store just which products are "artificial tears," you can ask the pharmacist to show you which brands to select from. They come in different "strengths", including one that is a bit like petroleum jelly consistency for night time use.

    Good luck,

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