Thanks for the update! It’s great to see that you’re feeling good about it so soon afterward.
I think it’s absolutely fabulous that you are feeling so well, so soon. Thanks for the update.
1.Left eye only r/t pressure on the optic nerve. General anesthesia with LMA. 1.5 hrs OR, 45 min Phase I recovery, 30′ II, then home. I prepared the bed the night before, to sleep on it one night. I ended up not using the bed risers I had purchased (Bed, Bath, Beyond) I think they are a great idea, but I chose not to have a losing battle with my daughter in law, who said it would "hurt the bed because it’s wood." We lifted the mattress up, put fold up comforters, blankets and pillow to raise the whole head around 45 degrees. It was easy to keep head elevated at all times. Worth it.
2. Getting home, comfort No nausea at all, no sore throat. Eye scratchy, then ached. I used ice most of the time. recommend. Took oxy 10 q 4 hours through the night. Won’t be taking anymore narcs, don’t need them. Too soon to begin Motrin. Biggest risk to watch for is bleeding from straining, moving like we usually do,etc. I had no bandages.
Ice packs helped a LOT.
3. Appearance and vision. Minimal drainage from eye, little more bruising underneath lower lid today.
Marvelous change in position of eye, I have not seen it back in the orbit where it belongs, for about a year. Instant improvement. Blurring gone, colors brighter, cause pressure off optic nerve, AND the diplopia seems to have disappeared. I am surprised, can hardly believe it. I have no side effects, no numbness, etc. Pretty darn happy.
Abx eye ointment, oral abx.
4. Name of procedures. 1. Bilateral two wall decompression with bilateral endoscopic total ethmoidectomy an maxillaryantrostomy B. (2) 2 wall decompression LT & lateral wall boney canthotomy, anterior orbital wall fat excision.
I had the eye surgeon for the lateral side, the ENT surgeon for the medial side.
A big thank you to all of you who helped me with information and reassurance about this darn disease, especially about
the OD! It meant so much to me. Even on Day 1, I do not regret having this done, and probably would do the other eye in a heartbeat if it looks different.
I think the biggest fear I had was MORE diplopia, and damage to cranial nerves. I am so glad it is over, and I am moving toward healing. -
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