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  • littlemom
    Post count: 1

    Hello I hope I can better understand everything here and with what my doctor has told me. I am a 34 yo mother of 4. I noticed a large lump in my throat so of course I looked it up on web md and thought hey a goiter well I went to my doctor and he ran the radiation test the intake uptake test and it showed I have Graves Disease and my thyroid is hypoactive. I really dont understand how it can be hypo when before the goiter came up I was between 126 to 130 and now after being on thyroxin for a month and a half I am now 114. When I went back last week to have the results of another uptake it showed my levels were 725 and he upped my medication. It scares me even though he has described it to me to the bottom level. lol

    My main point is how can my thyroid be underactive if I have lost so much weight.

    Post count: 1324

    I’m not sure if I understood what you were trying to ask. But if your thyroid was underactive (hypothyroid) and you were put on thyroxin, your levels of thyroid hormone became more normal due to the thyroxin. Thyroxin IS thyroid hormone. It is chemically identical to the body’s own T4. While you are taking it, if you are taking the correct amount, you should not be hypothyroid any longer. Weight issues become normal.

    Post count: 216


    Are you seeing an Endocrinologist or your General Practitioner? Generally, endos know way more than an GP about thyroid disease. When I first went to my family doc with my issues and she ran the initial blood tests she immediately referred me to an endo saying ‘I don’t do Grave’s Disease. We have specialists for a reason.’

    Regardless of which you are seeing, if you are really concerned or question what you have been told, you always have the option of getting a second opinion. Its OK. Get copies of all your lab work if you haven’t already. It really helped me to always have my numbers and the lab reference ranges in front of me. Also keep a diary of symptoms with specific information such as weight changes. Write down the questions you want to get answers for. It really helps focus the conversation when you do have Dr. appointments.


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