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  • Ski
    Post count: 1569

    Hi there,

    If by "aging," you mean that your skin is very dry, that’s pretty common with hyperthyroidism, and yes, it resolves with successful treatment.

    The issue with your eye is likely Thyroid Eye Disease, which comes along with Graves’, but is not caused by the thyroid disease (or affected by thyroid treatment). You should see an ophthalmologist for a consultation ~ TED has a "hot phase" in which symptoms change often, and during that time the potential treatments/surgeries are not recommended, as they can complicate matters while things are in flux. Still, it’s a good idea to develop a relationship with an ophthalmologist so that you are absolutely certain your vision is not at risk.

    The fact that you’ve lost your insurance is a tough blow, but please don’t allow it to stop you from seeking treatment. The medications for the thyroid disease (ATDs) are relatively inexpensive, and they can allow your body to start the healing sooner rather than later, which can save you a lot of difficult times.

    You will need to see an endo for the thyroid disease, and preferably one who specializes in thyroid disease. You will also need to see an ophthalmologist for the eye disease, again, preferably one who has a lot of experience with TED patients (check for doctors who have specific training in this condition).

    You may be able to find a program that will assist you with paying the doctors, or you may be near a teaching college that offers treatment at lower rates. Please look into all your possibilities, because hyperthyroidism left unchecked can be very dangerous.

    Post count: 2

    Hi everyone, I was recently diagnosed with Graves, have about a million and one questions. Got diagnosed in March, Lost my job April 3rd and lost my insurance so havent been able to go back to the Endo since I was diagnosed. So I will start with one question at a time.

    I have been reading about this disease ever since my MD suggested to me that my symptoms might be Graves, but some of my symptoms havent really been discussed in any detail on most of the graves sites. So my first question is….

    Is anyone experiencing rapid aging of your skin? Especially your face? And with treatment will that reverse itself?

    Please if you have any questions about me that might be helpful, please let me know.

    Thanks so much, I am a little freaked out about this whole thing and my right eye is bulging out of my head making me self concious enough as it is and is what made me go to the Dr in the first place. I look like some kind of freak…

    Sorry if my questions are a little out of the ordinary, again, I am a little freaked out about this…

    Post count: 2

    Thank you Ski, I am doing all that I can to get back to the Endo for treatment, unemployment is just barely covering my monthly bills right now but I am trying to get back in the very near future. Thanks for the words of encouragement on the skin problems, that is just one of many problems I have going on right now. I have lost 60+ pounds so far and am still dropping weight, so that is my first concern right now. That may be one of the other reasons my face looks so aged also, the rapid heart rate makes me feel like I am working out none stop. I hit the pillow at night and am just completely exausted and go out like a light in just a minute or 2 but am not getting very much restful sleep so I know thats not helping either. This is a pretty messed up disease… its effected me in so many ways in such a short amount of time, and then losing my insurance on top of it all just added a ton of stress that I did not need right now… uggggggg

    Thank you again, hope its ok that I ask alot of questions, so glad I found this site.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – To echo what Ski said about the importance of seeking treatment now for your hypERthyroidism…paying out of pocket for a doctor’s visit is expensive, but a visit to the ER for thyroid storm would *really* be a financial setback. You might start by calling your state health department or welfare department. Even if you don’t qualify for Medicaid, they might be able to give you some specific suggestions for resources. Also, most drug companies have options to assist patients who are having financial difficulties; a doctor should be able to point you in the right direction to get you started on one of these programs.

    On the skin issue, one thing I have noticed when I am hypER is that my skin seems to be *thinner* — I find that I am much more prone to scrapes and cuts. I haven’t seen this mentioned in any of the medical literature, but I’ve talked to at least one other Graves’ patient who had this issue.

    Best of luck – please keep us posted on your progress!

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