Hi been on meth for about a month my leg muscles have been weakned dramatically been told it is a calcium problem in the large muscles of the of the legs and arms. have pain and extreme inability to walk or stand all tell me to be patient and not exercize muscles have to rest ???? very hard not to push myself also read to take 1500 mg of calcium a day to try and reestablish calcium levels in the muscle have had problems finding medical referances becausse those sites can charge to use!!! I need assistance in finding good medical based info am mastered prepared RN so can get good info from those sites am hoping there are answers don’t know how long I can deal with this am in bed most of the time and hate it……love to walk ride my bike ect. also am a artist but haven’t touched a canvas in monthes too fatiqued to care about much sorry you are having this issue good luck cb
It’s necessary to be patient through the recovery process. When we start an antithyroid drug (ATD) like methimazole, it takes a while before we see results. The drug does start immediately to interfere with the production of thyroid hormone, but the thyroid not only makes hormone, it stores it for future use. So until those stored supplies of hormone are depleted we don’t notice any change. In addition, it is necessary sometimes to make adjustments to the dose of the ATD. If you get too much, you will become hypothyroid; if you are not getting enough, you will stay hyperthyroid. Those adjustments can take weeks to make. The bottom line is that until you are at CONTROLLED NORMAL levels of thyroid hormone for a few weeks, you will not necessarily feel like your old self. That day will come, but it takes months, typically, not days or weeks.
Wishing you well,
I’ve been doing yoga for 30 minutes a day for about 2 weeks now. I chose yoga because it was the only type of exercise I could do without my heart rate skyrocketing, and I have found it does help to with stress. I am feeling better but I still don’t see any difference in my muscle mass. I did start taking the methimazole (10 mg per day) its been about 10 days. Does anyone have any suggestions for a light exercise that will help with the muscle tone, or is that going to be difficult until the meds lower my levels?
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