Some thoughts that might apply to all of us.
This has been addressed in selected posts, but I think it is a good thing for all to consider.
1. When you have an appt., ask for a lab requisition, or order to take with you.
2. Make the next endo appointment when you leave, saves telephoning back, etc.
3. Get your labs drawn a few days before your next appt. so you and the doc have them to discuss.
This will vary with your own experience with getting labs back. The docs generallly get the results by two days, but to be sure they are available for your upcoming appointment, try to find out as much as you can about this. Cause you want them to BE THERE when you have your appt.
An aside, I can access all dictated notes, visits, tests, labs, electronically. I love it, and hope it gets more organized. The comunciation is much better, and I can read back on the notes. Generally, all labs are available the next day (except for cultures, which is not relevant here._
1. You have to make an extra trip to get your labs, but I feel it is worth it. If the trips are a big hardship, and you must your labs drawn at the endo’s office, and transportation and schedule are big problems, then this scenario won’t be very helpful to you.
NOTE: If you are a "hard stick," drink fluids before any lab draw, unless contraindicated. If you are not volume depleted, you veins pop out much more nicely. This comes from many, many years of starting IV’s and drawing blood.