I think I recall a few posts about Social Security on this website. You might try to put it in the search engine. I am not sure what you mean. Do you mean disability? If you have tried for a year, you have probably learned a lot about it. I don’t know much, except that I assume that it requires your doctor to agree to complete application forms. I think I know that it is more difficult to get help for a diagnosis that, according to statistics, has a good chance of getting better with a functional person, after treatment. Maybe others will write with their experience.
Pay a lot of attention to your appointment for your visual fields tomorrow. Get a copy of your last visual fields, then a copy of tomorrow. You will need to sign a form in the office, called a medical release of information, so you can have copies of your records. I am not entirely sure what you mean when you say you cannot SEE, but after reading your post several times, i think you do not mean that you are blind, but that your vision is very blurry in the operated eye? Can you see better in your other eye? Are you having one or two ODs. Ask the doc what you can expect in improvement of vision, and when?
I had an OD this year, it took a long time for the swelling to go down. That may be the reason for your problems. When they say sleep with the head of your bed up, they really mean it! It greatly reduces the swelling. I slept with my head elevated almost two months, for when i did not, my eyes were much worse. Do you have double vision?
Hope to hear from you after your appointment.
Shirleywas wondering if anyone has any advice with dealing with Social Security in regards to TED. I have struggled for a year to get benifets. I am 7 weeks post op from OD surgery. I am having new visual fields tommorow. I don’t SEE up, down, or side to side and what I do see is blurry and distorted….
What Shirley means when she says keep your head elevated is to put bricks, wood, something like that, under the supports at the head of the bed, or use some other creative method in order to slant the bed. If you prop yourself up with pillows you will create back, shoulder and neck problems.
You might try sending a private message to Jake, one of the founders of this board. He is not often here any longer, but he has had lots of experience with the eye disease, and probably knows a lot about disability issues.
I do wish you good luck. And I hope your holidays are happy ones.
Hello – The disability filing process is definitely very confusing, very frustrating, and very bureaucratic. I think the most important thing is to have an experienced attorney who is willing to give your case *personal* attention. And even though the process is very forms-driven, don’t underestimate the power of making a personal connection. I spoke with an attendee at this year’s conference in San Diego who had a claim related to TED approved. She wrote a very heart-felt letter to the administrative law judge explaining the impact the disease had had on her ability to work and provide for her family.
Best of luck to you!
I agree with all that has been said. I would like to think that the OD, and other surgeries that might follow, will result in a quality of life with TED that does not require you to walk down this complex path. I hope your TED gets much, much better!
My two years with TED has been miserable, but I do see a light at the end of the tunnel, and I can see so much better now, especially after my eye muscle surgery. Two more surgeries in 2011, and I hope to put TED, TO BED!!!
Best of luck to you.” title=”Cool” />
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