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  • Spencer
    Post count: 2

    Long time reader first time poster here.
    Have had graves now for about 3 years been on tapizole 5mg every other day for about a year now. I have read that tapizole lowers your white blood cell count and makes you more prone to infections. I have been sick off and on since November of last year with just a week or so in between of feeling decent. Feels like chest pressure, coughing, muscle aches, fever, your common flu symptoms. Just seems like I can’t shake this even with taking a couple rounds of antibiotics. My question is, does anyone else feel like they get sick easier while being on this medicine? Any input is very appreciated, thanks in advance.

    Post count: 1324

    I don’t know that tapazole lowers the wbc count all the time, or in every patient on it. It can: That is one of the known side effect issues. But whether or not that is what is going on with you is still unknown.

    Regardless, if you are coming down with every atmospheric virus/bacteria around this year, you should talk with your doctor about what is going on, and enlist his/her help in finding out how to stop it. A blood test could show whether or not your white cell count was low, or whether you are anemic, or some of the other issues that can cause us to get sick more frequently.

    Post count: 1909

    Hi Spencer, welcome to this great site. I am sure your doc has ordered a CBC along with your thyroid labs. You may have been told when you began the drug over a year ago, that it was possible to have a decreased white blood cell count. Having said that, if you have an infection, and are sick, an increased WBC shows that you are fighting the infection. I presume you are still having labs and keep track of the presence or absence of Graves’ symptoms? As your endos office, or your GP to draw a CBC (ell blood count) with your next thyroid lab.
    Bobbi gave a good answer @ tapazole and white blood counts. I have no idea if this needs to be watched long term, or if it just a lab that needs to be check when you begin the drug for a few months. There are folks on this site, including facilitators, who have been on ADT’s for years. Maybe some of them will answer with their experiences.

    In answer to your specific question, when I was on Tapazole, I did not have any increased sickness when I was on it.

    One other thought I have, is that your symptoms reflect the rest of the US in the winter! I know tons of people, living all over the US, who are having the same symptoms! It’s winter! And, did you get a flu shot? I am a firm believer in getting them.
    However, there is not a huge issue with an epidemic of flu in this country this year.
    Best, hope you feel better!

    Post count: 62

    I have been on Tapazole/aka methimazole, for almost a year–started out at 15 mg and am now taking about the same dose as you–I have NOT noticed an increase in illness. I think when you have Graves disease you tend to blame every symptom on that, but other things can happen at the same time, so if you feel you are sick more than you feel is warranted, you should probably make an appt. with your GP and see if he can give you some answers.
    Best of luck!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – I’ve been on methimazole for 3 years, and although my WBC has pretty much been on the low end of normal the whole time, I haven’t had a major increase in illnesses. (Knock on wood!) I am super diligent about washing my hands, trying not to rub my eyes without using a handkerchief, and trying to avoid touching common surfaces.

    In response to Shirley’s comment, my endo runs a WBC count at every visit — approximately every 3 months or so. However, docs don’t completely agree as to whether or not this is helpful.

    Definitely agree with those who said that this situation warrants a doctor’s visit…if they can give you some insight as to why you are catching every bug that comes around, that would certainly be worth a couple of hours of your time!

    Post count: 2

    Thanks everyone for the replies. There has been a lot of flu going around in my area this year. Don’t remember ever being sick this long. Going to get a WBC count on my next blood test. Thanks again for all the advice, much appreciated!

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