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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    We do tend to blink less while looking at the computer apparently. And the glare can be difficult to manage. There are ways to adjust the brightness, contrast, and also to bring up a larger font. I am not tech savvie enough to do any of those things, but someone from the Geek Squad, or other more computer literate person could help you.

    I used to put gauze over one of the lens on my glasses. That way, I was seeing single vision regardless of the doubling problem. I love to read, for fun, and that helped to make it a bit easier. I also used a patch — pirate style– when needed. But for long sessions of reading, the blocked glasses lens worked the best for me.

    Post count: 8

    How I do wish people would post with short paragraphs! My eyes can’t stay focused on really long postings with no breaks in between. I need time to blink and refocus. I see a long posting and so want to read it but my eyes go double and everything is blury.

    When I want to read an article, I can sometimes use the zoom feature at 200% but, if that fails and I’m determined to read it, I will copy it and past it to Word and then separate the article into short paragraphs – it can be quite time consuming.

    Does anyone else share the same issues with reading?

    Post count: 1909

    OH! I’m sorry, and I am guilty! i will be surer to write brief paragraphs. I completely understand. I don’t know how to make the font bigger, or I would.

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