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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    Well, if you were severely constipated, that would be a second indication (your doctor’s instructions to lower the meds being the first) that you were hypothyroid. Methimazol interferes with the chemical reaction by which thyroid cells turn iodine into thyroid hormone. It acts as a chemical block to the production of thyroid hormone. And you have to get what I call the Goldilocks dose of it: too much and you will be hypothyroid; too little and you will be hyperthyroid. You need to get the dose "just right."

    So, you need to know that you were feeling wonderful and were hypothyroid. I point that out so that you will not fear "going hypo." But hypo is not good for us either (constipation being one of the problems) so you need to have a somewhat higher level of thyroid than you have been feeling wonderful at.

    It could be that the doctor has lowered your medication too much — it is, after all, a balancing act. But you will need to tough things out for another month or so, in order to find out. It’s also possible, though, that within a few days, you will find that you are not as troubled by symptoms are you are at first. It can take some time to settle in to a slightly higher level of thyroid hormone. And, if you’re like me (who also feels well while slightly hypo) ANY hyper symptoms bring back bad feelings, so it can take a while to adjust to the fact that a slightly higher level of thyroid isn’t necessarily "bad."

    I do hope you are feeling better soon.

    Post count: 1909

    I am writing to ask if constipation is still a problem for you. People can feel terrible when they are constipated. If it has not been resolved, I suggest taking some action on that issue with a Fleets’ enema, and consider taking some Miralax (over the counter) on a short term basis. It helps retain fluid in the bowel. I am writing from my own experience, which worked for me. Shirley

    Post count: 10

    Yes, I am still having trouble with the constipation. I am taking Miralax twice a day which I started on Thursday. I was thinking about doing it three times a day though. I did do a Fleets on Wednesday evening. I also had soaps suds enemas while I was in the hospital (Tues/Weds). I am going often (due to being hypER??) but sometimes not too much comes out. I have an appointment with the GI doc on Monday. I have IBS and dyspepsia so I am very uncomfortable. My daughter has trouble with constipation and I never realized how awful she felt until now.

    Post count: 10

    Yes, I do feel better slightly hypo. I had no idea about what being hyper felt like. I was levothyroxine for 15yrs and with the exception of having a hard time dropping weight off I always felt good. Being hyper I am more tired than I have ever felt and just so out of sorts. I feel sad, weepy, and sick. I am normally a very happy and very busy person. I am trying to find some positive in this and it is hard. Looking forward to feeling like myself again.

    Post count: 10

    My endo called me on Thursday 7th and said that my labs came back and that it looks like the methimazole is working and to drop the dose from 30mg to 10mg. I started the new dose Thursday night and feel awful! I had been on the 30mg dose for about 10 days and was really starting to feel a bit better last Sunday. I was up and about again. Cooking, visiting with my family, and just doing pretty good. I went to the ER on Tuesday night for some severe abdominal pain and spent the night (I did still make sure I took my methimazole) and haven’t felt quite the same since. The ER doc said that I am very constipated and I know that is partly why I don’t feel well but I am having tremors again and feel like I did before I started the methimazole. I guess what I want to know is that if it is possible to feel somewhat better and than yucky again in such a short amount of time from the thyroid and the medicine? This has been such a roller-coaster ride. Thankfully, I have a very understanding family!

    Post count: 1909

    Hi, just want to be sure we have the same understanding regarding hyPER and hyPO. Presume you do, but if so, it is a good review for me!
    Hypo=sluggish, tired, hair changes, want to sleep a lot very cold, constipated, weight gain, which is compounded by no activity. TSH is HIGH, which means HYPO. THat is the part that can be confusing.

    Hyper=hyper, tremors in hand/arms, very hot, fast pulse rate, voracious appetite with frequent weight loss (from having all body systems operating at warp and unhealthy speed,) anxious, unable to sleep, tends to never stop.
    TSH is LOW, which means HYPER! So, it does not mean that you don’t feel tired when you are hyper, but that is not usually typical of hyper, in my experience. Although, after so many sleepless nights,I did feel tired, so that may be your situation.

    If you have been on Synthroid (or some other brand) for 15 years, have you been having your labs checked now and then?
    So because you felt good most of that time, I am assuming you were euthroid. THat makes wonder why your treatment recently has been an ATD? Did you become hyper because you were taking too much hormone? Could that be the answer to everything? Clearly, I am just thinking (or writing) out loud. But usually, the trajectory is not to be on Synthroid for a number of years, then consider RAI or surgery. Generally, it is take ADT’s to get out of the dangerous hyper state, then decide whether to do ADT’s, RAI or surgery. And after that, taking the right amount of Synthroid.

    (I think it is a good idea to increase the Miralax. Glad you are seeing the GI doc. Most of my friends with IBS do manage their stuff with Miralax, and some add a fiber. Constipation can make you feel terrible. ie, sluggish, discouraged and no appetite (no room for any more food!)

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