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  • erica
    Post count: 38

    how does one know if they had a nodule leaking hormone or if it is the actual thyroid? I was diagnosed with Graves years ago, however it went into remission, but now I have been getting symptoms again and recently saw this board. I am going to the doctor this week for testing. I have never heard of a nodule and am wondering if maybe that is what I had or have. I had Graves pretty bad at one point, is it possible for a nodule to get really bad too? I know I prefer the idea to just having a nodule, rather than to have my entire thyroid messed up.

    Post count: 1569

    Nodules come in two types: hot and cold. As you might guess, a "hot" nodule is one that sucks up all the iodine you take in and pumps out way too much thyroid hormone, and a "cold" nodule is just a "dead space" in your thyroid that doesn’t affect your thyroid hormone levels, but feels like a lump. Cold nodules, I believe, are more likely to be cancerous than hot nodules. It is not all that common, from my 12+ years here, to have had Graves’ Disease, gone into remission, and then experienced a hot nodule (vs. a recurrence of Graves’). Not to say it can’t happen, but as I say, I haven’t seen it much in our online community.

    If you had an uptake/scan in conjunction with your Graves’ diagnosis, it would have been very simple to see a nodule, vs. Graves’-like activity in the thyroid. They would have noted it at that time. Still, definitely worth asking the doctor about.

    I understand the hesitation to jump into the world of Graves’ Disease again, but if that’s your path in life, we’re here to hold your hand and help you through, so try not to worry too much! At least you’re seeking help early in the process, that’ll definitely lead to a quicker resolution.

    Let us know how it’s going!

    Post count: 1909

    Hi Erica,
    do write when you know more. And have a conversation with you doc about what "your" nodule means. There are a lot of benign nodules, which means basically, "ya, you have one, and it is not a concern at all." I am sure your doc will go over this,but do ask. And…I do hope you don’t have Graves’ again, but keep track of all your symptoms, report them, ’cause if you do, of course you will need some medical management and the drugs which you may need. Good luck.

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