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  • JVETTE16
    Post count: 5

    Hello everyone, I was diagnosed on Tue with GD. I have many symptoms that is really leaving me very tired. I will have RAI next week. I think that I may have had GD too long without being treated and it’s affecting my bones now. My knees hurt trying to walk up stairs or when I get up from sitting or getting out of the bed. Please tell me this will stop after the RAI! Does your knees and feet hurt everyday like mine? How do you cope with this? Meds? Your help will be greatly appreciated.

    Post count: 1569

    There are two things that can happen with untreated Graves’ that might cause the soreness in your knees ~ one is bone loss, the other is "muscle wasting" that occurs in the large muscle groups (upper arms, upper legs, chest and back). As your levels come back into the normal range following treatment, and especially once they stabilize, you’ll get some real improvement. Until then, you may continue to have some trouble, though it should get a little better all the time. There are important things to know about this ~ until you are no longer hyperthyroid, the muscle wasting continues to be an issue. We’re not completely certain of the mechanism, but it appears that the "tearing down" of muscle tissue is accelerated, and the "rebuilding" of muscle is suppressed. That means the more you exercise your muscles, the worse it will get. There aren’t many other times in life when this is true, and it seems contrary to rest when your muscles are weakening, but it’ll help minimize the damage until your levels are normal again. So go easy on yourself for now. I’m glad you got a diagnosis, at least, that seems to be the biggest hurdle for us. Once we know, we have some choices to make and then we can proceed to health. Do learn everything you can about what’s going on in your body, because it’ll help you get through this whole thing with the best possible outcome. Everything Graves’ takes TIME, so please understand that right away. You will need to accept small improvements rather than leaps forward, so look for those small improvements and celebrate them each as one step closer to normal. I hope this helps ~ good luck with your treatment, feel free to ask any other questions that come up!

    Post count: 30

    Ski, your explanation makes a lot of sense. I thought my endo didn’t want me to exercise while in hyper phase, because of the possibility of high heart rate. It was probably a combination of the muscle mechanism and other GD hyper issues.

    Post count: 30

    I would also like to reiterate one of the original questions of whether the symptoms will go away after treatment. After total thyroidectomy or RAI, is it abnormal for someone to still experience the knee pain or muscle weakness when hormone levels are in normal range?

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