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  • chilborn
    Post count: 7

    My 6 year old son was just diagnosed with Graves Disease last week and started 20mg/day Tapazole/Methimazole (only been on 5 days)

    I was wondering to if these side effects are normal??
    Yestaurday he started not listening, talking back, pulling temper tantrums, a few rage fits, and even more hyper then usual, as well as starting to cry for no reason and also since yestaurday I have noticed almost the entire bottom of his leg is covered in bruises. (I know boys get bumps and bruises but I have never seen him this bad.)

    I thought the meds were suppose to make him better but I am starting to think he is getting worse.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – The crying and the raging could just be associated with your son’s hyperthyroidism. (This happens to grown-ups as well!) However, I’m not familiar with bruising as a side effect of methimazole. I would put in a call to his doctor to get some guidance on this issue.

    Methimazole does start working right away to block the production of new thyroid hormone, but it takes some time for the body to use up it’s existing stores of thyroid hormone, so our hypER symptoms can sometimes persist for a few weeks after starting the meds.

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