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  • Krisann79
    Post count: 32

    I need advice: RAI 3/16 went on 75 mcg Levothyroxine (generic) a few weeks after and went a little hyper so he reduced my dose to 50 mcg Levothyroxine (generic – same manufacturer every time) on 6/1. Right around a week after my hair started coming out. I’m trying to be patient because I had this happen before in the 1st trimester with pregnancy (had GD then too). I’m just wondering……

    Do you think it’s more likely that this is from the RAI or the dosage change? I hear 3 months is when it starts to fall out after "something happens" so that makes me want to say RAI but my medicine Levothyroxine says it can cause hair loss too. The hairloss wasn’t happening until the dosage change but it hasn’t stopped either.

    I’m so confused and over it. How long before this will stop?

    Post count: 3

    Yes, I would love to know about this too. I don’t have hairloss anymore, but I have some hair recession around my forehead and my hair is generally thinner.

    Post count: 1909

    This is not a very helpful response, since I have not had experience with hair loss. I take Synthroid, never had a problem.
    Did not have RAI. I do think there are several posts on this subject, so you might try the search box above, and continue to watch for better responses than mine to your question!

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – For most who experience hair loss with Graves’, this tends to happen when our levels are moving — either higher *or* lower. The situation usually stabilizes once thyroid hormone levels are back in balance.

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