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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    Levothyroxine is thyroid hormone. It is chemically identical to T4 (throxin) thyroid hormone. We lose hair when we have abnormal levels of thyroid hormone, so if you are on levothyroxine and losing hair, it is an indication that the dose is not appropriate. The medication itself does not cause hair loss. Pamphlets like the one you were reading list every possible event noticed while on a medication. In the case of our replacement hormone, though, these "side effects" are almost exactly the same as the "side effects" of having too much, or too little thyroid hormone. The only additional possible side effects are associated with an intolerance or allergy to the inert ingredients used to make the chemical levothyroxine into pill form.

    Post count: 32

    I see in the pamphlet that hairloss is a possible side effect with Levothyroxine….

    How long does it take before the hairloss starts? How long before it stops?

    Post count: 32

    RAI was just on 3/16/11 so we are still adjusting my dose. Last time I went I was in range on my T3 & T4 but my TSH was .18 (just berely hyper). My Endo wanted to keep me on the same dose but due to the heart symptoms I was having agreed to lower me from 75 mcgs of Levothyroxine to 50 mcgs of Levothyroxine. Within a week after changing dose (not brand or maker) my hair started falling out. It’s been nonstop since. :cry:

    I set up a follow up appt for as soon as I could (next Tuesday). I pray that it’ll be cut and dry and obvious that I’ve gone hypo. If I haven’t I just don’t know what to do!

    Post count: 4

    I have experienced the hair loss with levothyroxine, it was alarming at first…more hair than usual on the hairbrush, strands coming out easily if I ran my hands through my hair. I went to my hair dresser and she got me a great shampoo and conditioner that was designed to help hair loss in women, worked pretty good..still some hair loss but it seemed to minimize it. A couple of weeks later, I stopped the levothyroxine (I had RAI) and my hair loss stopped. It never got to the point that I had bald spots or visible loss but, sure felt that way. Use the expertise of your doctors and professional hair dresser to help you!

    Post count: 3

    I’m on this board because my mother has Graves’, and I want to learn more. That said, I have hypothyroidism. My hair was falling out BEFORE I started taking Levothyroxine. Now that the dosage is regulated, my hair doesn’t fall out as much.

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